This page has 3 tabs:
Active: Contains questions visible to patrons in the booking flow and across the dashboard.
Draft: Holds saved questions that patrons can't see. Data from previously active questions moved to Draft will still appear in relevant locations.
Archive: Similar to Draft, but questions are hidden from future patrons and won’t appear on others' profiles, though existing data will remain visible in relevant locations
Active Button Overview: You can use the overflow button to:
Edit (from Active or Draft)
Send to Draft (from Active or Archive)
Archive (from Active or Draft)
Activate (from Draft or Archive)
Feel free to move questions between states, but ensure they are Active before finishing testing to display on the production site. The fields have been thoroughly tested, so no validation is needed.
Editing Overview:
You can only edit:
Required/Optional (if allowed)
You cannot edit:
Field type
Question application
To change the field type or application, archive the original question and create a new one to avoid data issues.