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Getting to Know Your Production and Season Menus

Viewing Your Live, Draft, and Past Productions

Micky Small avatar
Written by Micky Small
Updated over a week ago

You can find a few production and season menus around the main dashboard and on your websites.

Viewing Productions on Your Main Dashboard:

This is where you can, review your current live production, review production drafts before they are published and view past productions.

Productions Under Your Org Site Dashboard - Seasons Tab:

On your main dashboard, after clicking on the “Org Site” section from your main dashboard, you will see the main landing page for your organization.

On your org site's main menu, you will see a tab that says “Season”. The shows that appear on the season landing page from the org site are shows that are currently on sale.

Our Season Tab from Individual Production Pages:

On each of your shows ticketing pages, you will see a tab that says “Our Season”.

This “Our Season” tab will show your currently active shows in the pull down menu. At the very bottom you will see a “Past Productions” tab, that will show all of your shows that have passed.

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