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Building Your Org Site

Your org site is the online home for all your season information. This includes organization overview and season info!

Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over a week ago

Your organization page is often the first point of contact between you and your patrons! On this page, patrons can find out about:

  • all of your organizations shows

  • a general overview of your organization

  • purchase subscriptions (if applicable!)

For those reasons alone, we suggest taking some time to make your page unique and colorful! Most orgs will base their colors off of an already identified color scheme such as school colors, etc.

Building your org site is easy and also fun! Let us know if you need any help!

Building Your Organization Site Walkthrough:

You can get to your org site by clicking on the "Org Site" tab from your main dashboard.

Colors Tab

On the colors tab, you can customize the colors of your org page to reflect the colors of your overall organization.

They will not apply to any of your ticket pages. You can edit your individual ticket pages to have colors that reflect each show.

You can also add an optional banner image that will appear on this page.

Home Tab

This is the first page patrons will see when they visit your org site. You can add a logo in the top right corner of this page by using the radio buttons at the top of the page.

I have added a logo image in the picture below:

About Tab

This tab is where you can give people general information about your organization. You can add images as well that will appear in a scroll function on your live page. This page is optional and can be toggled on and off.

Donate Tab

Your donate page is where you can give your patrons access to process donations. This page is optional and can be toggled on and off.

Merchandise Tab

On this page, your patrons will have access to all of the merchandise you have available for sale in your shows. This page is optional and can be toggled on and off. Merchandise available on your show sites will not show on the preview, just the live page.

Season Tab

This page has ticket links and information links for all of your active shows. The shows are not visible in draft mode, but will appear on the live site.

Ticket Tab

This tab has direct ticketing links for all of your active shows. The shows are not visible in draft mode, but will appear on the live site.

Subscription Tab

This tab is the landing page for subscriptions purchases.

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