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Combining Reserved and GA (General Admission) Seating in One Event

Would you like to offer GA seating and have a reserved section for a live performance? We can do this!

Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over a week ago

To have both General Admission and Reserved Seating, you must start by building your show with the Reserved setup.

When you are at the following screen during the show building process and are prompted with the question "Will seating be Reserved or General Admission?", choose "Reserved-Seating is Assigned".

After you have finished completing the rest of your show build and after publishing, go to the Show Details tab from the left side black dashboard. Note: At the top of your show, it will reflect as Reserved. This is okay!

Next, scroll down the Show Details page to the the Performance section. Here you will see two important buttons: Set General Capacity, and Ticket Type.

Under Ticket Type, add a General Admission ticket. You can name it whatever you would like, just make sure you select the General Admission option during the second step. Next, select which shows you would like the GA ticket type to apply to.

Next, push Add Ticket Type.

Back on the show details page, the next step is to click Set General Capacity. This is where you are letting the system know how many General Admission tickets you wish to have for sale. Make sure you push Save.

Congratulations! You have successfully added General Admission tickets!

On your shows ticketing page, it will now reflect that you have both Reserved Seating and General Seating.

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