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New Ways to Use Your Contacts

OTS makes it easier to capture patron and donor contact info with some new feature enhancements.

Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated yesterday

Clicking on the Contacts tab on either the Ticketing or Fundraising dashboard will lead you to a list of the most recent patrons that have been added to your contacts list - either via purchase through our system, or through uploading.

Click on View Contact Details to see the new contact page for that patron. You can also search a patron's email address to access their page directly.

The redesigned patron profile page has a number of tabs that display all of the information formerly found on the patron profile, plus a few new extra features. This is the personal info page - it has information on the contact's history, and information about the patron.

In the top left corner, you'll see the patron's name, the Organization they are associated with, and their Patron ID.

On the top right corner of this page, you can directly email the patron. Hit 'Email' to open up the modal.

The From/Reply to email is set here as the logged in User's email address. The User can enter a unique subject line and body of the email. When your message is complete - hit 'Send Email' and the email will be sent to the patron's inbox.

Underneath that is the contact history information - this includes how long they have been a contact within the system, which source they came in through (donation, ticket purchase, upload, etc), if they are a recurring donor, their total donation amount and their total items purchased amount

Under Additional Information, you can input a patron's preferred name, birthday, and pronouns. You can also edit the patron's primary name.

Click on edit to open up the Additional Information modal, input the new data, and click 'Update' to save.

The Contact Information page lists all of the methods by which you can contact a patron. This includes primary and secondary mailing addresses, primary and secondary email addresses, home phone number, cell phone number, and preferred contact method.

Click 'Edit' underneath the addresses to type in both a primary and secondary address. In order to denote which mailing address is the primary - click 'Make primary'. Click 'Update' to save.

Click edit under preferred contact method to denote which method to contact this patron. This is an open text field which means Users can enter whatever specific information they wish within this field (i.e. "Call on home phone after 5 pm.") Click 'Update' to save.

Click edit under email addresses to add a secondary email address and change the primary email address for a patron. The email associated with the patron initially cannot be changed.

Click 'Make primary' to denote the primary email address. Click 'Update' to save.

Click 'Edit' underneath Phone Numbers to enter a home phone number and cell phone number. Click 'Update' to save.

The contact logs allow Users to log interactions they have had with a patron in person or via phone. Users can also email patrons directly from this page and view all logs. Any emails sent from the email modal on the Personal Info page will also update here

Click on Add New to add a new entry into the contact log

On the dropdown, the three options you can select are in-person, phone call, and email. In-person and phone call will allow you to write a subject and details of the interaction. If you choose email, you will be able to send an email directly to the patron through the system.

Click on the eye button next to a contact record to view a previous entry.

In this modal, you will see all details of the entry. If the entry is an email, you will not be able to edit this entry.

If the entry is a phone call or in-person interaction, you will be able to edit any details you wish. Click 'Save' to save the update.

The Monthly Donations page contains any monthly donations the patron currently has. This was previously referred to as Subscriptions on the old view of the contact page. On this page, you can view the monthly amount and the donation term. Click on the email button to contact the patron.

Click on the email button to send the subscription management link directly to the patron. Click on the trash icon to cancel the patron's subscription.

Enter the cancellation reason in this modal and click 'Cancel Subscription' to process the cancellation.

The Orders page contains the date, confirmation number, and order details for any order associated with the patron's profile. The labels will show whether the order placed was a donation, a ticket purchase, a fundraiser contribution, or a mix of donation and ticket purchase.

Click on details to be brought to that order and manage the order.

๐ŸŽ“ Recap:

On The Stage (OTS) has enhanced its platform to streamline the management of patron and donor contact information. The updated Contacts tab on both the Ticketing and Fundraising dashboards provides access to a comprehensive list of recent patrons, whether added through system purchases or manual uploads. The redesigned patron profile page now features multiple tabs, offering detailed insights into each contact's history and personal information.

๐Ÿš€ Best Practices:

  • Accessing Contacts:

    • Navigate to the Contacts tab on your dashboard to view recent patrons.

  • Viewing and Editing Patron Details:

    • Click View Contact Details to access a patron's profile.

    • Use the Personal Info tab to update names, birthdays, and pronouns.

    • In the Contact Information tab, manage addresses, emails, and phone numbers.

  • Logging Interactions:

    • Utilize the Contact Logs to record in-person meetings, phone calls, or emails.

    • Add new entries by selecting Add New and choose the interaction type.

  • Managing Donations and Orders:

    • The Monthly Donations tab displays active recurring donations, allowing for easy management.

    • The Orders tab provides a history of transactions, including donations and ticket purchases.

By effectively utilizing these features, organizations can maintain accurate and comprehensive patron records, fostering improved engagement and communication.

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