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Facebook Messenger Campaigns

Your customers will be able to click an ad and immediately start a conversation with your business, allowing for an easy follow up process!

Written by Dennis Pacon Spielberg
Updated over a week ago

It’s important that leads are followed up with as soon as possible, these customers could be shopping around, which means staying in contact is important! This feature will mean when customers click your ad, they will be locked to your account where you can follow up with them.

❗️ Pro tip: Download the Facebook Messenger app to respond to leads quickly!

These features include the following:

Message Prompts

Once the potential customer clicks on the Messenger ad, a chat will open up between them and your business. An automated text greeting message will be sent to them from you. This is proceeded by message prompts that the customer can tap, or use a button to send them directly to your site for more information.

Here are two examples of automated messages sent in the chat:

Depending on the strategy recommended by our expert Ads team, the messenger campaign will be set up with the prompts or a button leading to your website.

The messaging can be customizable but some examples include:

  • "Frequently asked questions" prompts

  • A button that says "Visit Our Website"

  • "Book An Appointment".

Automated Responses

Automated responses can be set up so when the potential customer clicks on one of the prompts, it will automatically send out a tailored reply! This is a great way to keep your customer engaged if you know that you will be busy and may not have time to immediately reply.

Here is an example of an automated response:

How To Access The Messages

Notification Bar:

You will receive a notification on the top right hand corner of the screen when there is activity about the ad, such as a message, comment or like. Click on the specific notification to open up the chat.

Messenger Inbox:

Another way to access the messages is through the messenger icon displayed at the top or on the left-hand side of the screen

In your inbox, the conversations will be marked unread until you open it.

Identifying Source Of Inbox Leads

When you open a conversation in your inbox you will see a section on the righthand side detailing information about the client, alongside how they came into contact with your business.

Under Labels it will tell you the person came through messenger ads, as well as the specific ad ID so you can reference a specific ad. Below this you will see a preview of the ad that brought them to your business.

To find a list of all leads that came to your business through a messenger ad you can go about it by searching "messenger_ads" which will pull out all conversations with this tag.

Once you press enter all conversations with this tag will appear. From here you can look at all of the conversations you have had with potential customers.

How To Reply To Your Customers

This is a great way to answer the customers' initial question but also gives you an opportunity to follow up with them by asking leading questions while highlighting your services solutions. It will help you to understand their problem and why they are seeking your service.

This will help guide them on why they need your service and ultimately, book an appointment! For more information about the best practices, check out this article.

Any questions or need further help? Don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via the chat bubble, we're happy to help!

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