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Trademark Authorization Process

Explains what trademarks are and how trademarks get approved

Written by Dennis Pacon Spielberg
Updated over a week ago

This article explains what trademarks are and how we get the trademarks approved in order to run the Google Ads campaign. Facebook Ads are more lenient on trademark usage and will not automatically disapprove ads. The only way for it to be flagged is if someone manually requests for the ads to be taken down.

What Is A Trademark

A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. Examples of trademark include Botox or Amazon. Only the company that registered the trademark is allowed to authorize the use of the trademark. This means that if you want to include a trademark in your ad, website, or landing page, it will need to be authorized by the company to do so. Google Ads abides the local trademark laws and third party trademarks will need to be approved in order for the campaign to successfully run without limitations. More information about Google's policy can be found here.

Process For Gaining Trademark Approval

The trademark authorization process involves sending a request to the company that owns the trademark with the following details:

  • Client's Allergen ID (if the trademark is for Botox and cosmetic injections)

  • Client's website URL

  • Client's company address

  • OneLocal's Google Ads account number

The whole process can take between a few days to a couple of weeks if there are unforeseeable situations that arise. To prevent any delays, the ads specialist will submit the trademark authorization request immediately after the proposal has been created.

Have any questions or want more information about trademarks? Feel free to reach out to your Marketing Specialist and we'll be happy to look into that for you.

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