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Domain Access from Google Domains/GSuite

When setting up your new website with LocalSite, there are some tips to sending us access to your Google Domains

Paulo avatar
Written by Paulo
Updated over a week ago

Google is a reputable source for domain purchasing, and it is not necessary for you to provide OneLocal with your whole Gsuite credentials in order to access the domain. Below are a few steps you can follow to find the credentials OneLocal needs to access your domain in order to get your new website up and running.

1. Log into your Google account and navigate to GoogleDomains

2. Identify the domain we're using for your new website under name and select Manage With Google Workspace.

3. Select Domains

4. Select Manage Domains

5. You will then see the domain listed, and on the right hand side information will appear, Select Advances DNS Settings Just underneath your domain and auto renewal information.

6. You will now see an area populate with key login information: Sign-in Name, Password, Customer Service Pin. Copy/Paste this information into an email and send it off to your Marketing Specialist.

Our team will then be able to use these credentials to log in using this link

If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message using the chat bubble or contact your Marketing Specialist directly.

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