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Landing Page Walkthrough

Everything you need to know about what our landing pages include!

Written by Dennis Pacon Spielberg
Updated over a week ago

What Is A Landing Page

Landing pages are compressed, more organized versions of a website and are targeted pages where your visitors land after they click an ad. Landing pages consist of clear messages and/or offers with multiple calls-to-action (CTA) to increase the chances of conversions, along with a concise offer for a specific service.

Designed with clear conversion goals in mind depending on your goal, landing page goals include booking someone for a consultation, a phone call, requesting a quote, or collecting emails. The purpose is to eliminate distractions that move people away from your desired goal.

Once a customer fills out the form, an email will be sent to the business notifying them that they have a new lead.

The Different Components

Top Section - This section is the first thing that the visitor will see. It highlights what the company does, their special offers, and a contact form for the visitor to fill out.

Value Propositions - There will be three value propositions that are highlighted about the business. This section helps persuade a visitor to choose your business over another one. Examples of value propositions include Experience, Quality Of Work, and Immediate Results.

Services Section - This is the meat of the landing page and where you can find more detailed information about your offered service/product.

About Section - This spot is reserved to provide a background of your company, such as when it was created, what makes up your company, and overall what makes you so great!

Footer Section - The privacy policy can be accessed here, along with the locations and business hours, if applicable.

Widgets: LocalReviews & LocalMessages

LocalReviews - If LocalReviews is included in your OneLocal subscription, this section will be added to your landing page. LocalReviews displays ratings and reviews from your customers.

LocalMessages - If LocalMessages is included in your OneLocal subscription, this widget will be added to your landing page and displayed at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Messages from the landing page will include the tag "LocalAds". Make sure to check the LocalMessages dashboard to see if anyone has left a message!

Integrations: LocalContacts & LocalMessages

LocalContacts - If LocalContacts is included in your OneLocal subscription, this feature will be included as part of your landing page. When someone completes the contact form, their information will be automatically added onto your LocalContacts dashboard and labeled as LocalAds under the Source column. All of the information that they filled out can be found here!

LocalMessages - OnePlan clients will have this LocalMessages feature as part of their landing page. Once someone completes the contact form, the customer will instantly receive a text message from the client's LocalMessages phone number telling them that their submission was received and they will be contacted shortly after.

Interested in a landing page for your LocalAds campaign or have any questions? Feel free to contact your Marketing Specialist or message us through the chat bubble on the bottom right corner!

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