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Distance Handling

Do you need help learning distance handling? Is your dog too fast or are you not able to run? This article is for you!

Niki Drage avatar
Written by Niki Drage
Updated over 6 years ago

OneMind Dogs is an ideal system for people with physical restrictions or those who aren't as fast as their dogs as you can tell your dog what you want at each critical point and then move on to the next part of the course while trusting that your dog will do what you asked.
If you train the OneMind Dogs techniques and use your body language effectively as per the videos on our site, you can start adding distance to your handling so that you don't need to run to every obstacle.
Cornelia Kluck is a great example as you can see here:

OneMind Dogs Coach Mari Kaplas does a lot of distance handling with her dogs as she has some physical restrictions. I suggest you follow her video blog for her Kelpie, Hu, she has documented her training from 8 weeks old to competing adult including all of her distance training, you can find the blog here:

There is also a structured Online Learning program on obstacle focus and commitment which both help with distance training and being able to send your dog to obstacles whilst you move forward on course.ย 

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