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Visualize your data using charts and share these with others in the business

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Written by OneUp Customer Success
Updated over 4 months ago

๐Ÿ“Š What are charts?

Charts is a new feature that allows you to visualize your data.

Charts is now part of our reporting suite, Performance Analytics. With charts, you can visually report on all your data to easily compare and spot trends.

You can customize your charts to get the view you're after, as well as save, share and export the charts you create.

Create a chart

  1. To create a chart, select Reports in the main navigation menu, and then Create chart in the dropdown.

  2. Then, select the chart type that best represents your data. To understand which type of chart would work for you, look at the previews for an indication of how the data would be displayed. Bar and line chart options are available for every type.

โ„น๏ธ What's in each preview?

X-axis: What is used as the horizontal line at the bottom of the chart.

Series: The element that will be displayed as bars (stacked bar or line) in the chart.

Filter: The element you're filtering the data by.

There are four chart types available:

  • Compare metrics over time

    Select this chart type to visualise metrics over time.

    The x-axis here will be the time period selected, and your series display will be the metrics selected.

    For example, use this chart type to display key metrics in your teams' performance, such as CVs Sent and 1st Interviews arranged, over a time period selected, e.g., last week.

  • Compare entities on a single metric

    Entities are users, teams, or the entire company. This will also include clients, jobs and candidates, if you have access to Performance Insights.

    Use this chart type to compare how teams are performing against a specific metric, over a time period, e.g., BD activity for different offices in the last month.

  • Compare multiple time periods

    Compare one or multiple metrics across two different time periods.

    We'll be adding the ability to compare more than two time periods soon!

    For example, use this chart type to compare total revenue booked and total revenue invoiced for this quarter, compared to last quarter.

  • Compare entities during a time period

    Select this chart type to compare user, team, or company performance during a time period. With Performance Insights access, you'll also be able to compare performance against clients, jobs and candidates.

    For example, compare specific individuals' or teams' performance against key metrics you're tracking, (1st interviews arranged, CVs sent, Jobs added), in the last quarter.

3. Once you've selected your chart type, use the filters at the top to populate your chart, and select specific metrics, entities and the time period, depending on the type selected.

4. Select the customize chart dropdown on the right, to make changes to your chart, such as:

  • Show your targets

  • Show only full user performance

    • This is on by default. Toggle this off to show observer and deleted user performance in your chart.

  • Show zero values

    • This is on by default. Toggle it off to remove values where performance is 0 from the visualisation.

  • Show data labels

  • Change colour theme

  • Change chart type

    • Bar and line chart types are available. We'll be adding pie charts soon!

  • Choose the series display format

    • This setting is available for bar charts only. You can choose to have a bar per series, stacked bars and stacked percentages. [video-to-gif output image]

Drill down into the data

When hovering over bar charts, the cursor will change into the drill down icon, indicating that you're able to drill into the data.

Simply click on the bar chart to drill down into the data; this'll bring up our charts and data insights modal.

Save, download, and share charts

Save your chart, using the save button in the top right, so that you can access it alongside your other reports, in the Report manager.

Share your chart with others on the platform, or download it as a PNG, to showcase it off platform.

Transfer ownership can also be found under Share. Use this option to make someone else in the business owner of the report you have created. This might be because you created it on their behalf, because you're leaving the business, or because they require edit-access to the chart going forwards. You'll still have view access to the chart, but you'll no longer be able to make changes.


When will I get access to charts?

This is a new feature, and we'll gradually release it to all clients. Our Customer Success Team will be in touch to let you know when to expect this.

What if I had access to a legacy charts feature - what will happen to my existing charts?

Don't worry - your existing charts will be migrated over to the new version. We'll be removing the legacy feature, as we'll no longer be supporting this.

What's coming next? Are there any plans for future functionality?

Yes. The following will be coming soon:

  • Pie charts

  • The ability to compare more than two time periods against each other

  • The ability to convert Charts to Reports and vice versa

  • Chart widgets on the Dashboard!

Troubleshooting โœจ

If you still require help on this topic, get in touch with our support team via the chat system or email

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