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The OneUp Slide Guide
The OneUp Slide Guide

Learn about the different slide templates for your OneUp TV and get some advice on how you can level up your slideshow game!

Tom Moverley-Foster avatar
Written by Tom Moverley-Foster
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Displaying OneUp on your office screens can really boost engagement and motivation; giving your teams visibility on stats across the business, current incentives and key business updates!

This article includes:

OneUp Slide Types

πŸ“Š Analytics Slides

Bar Charts

Bar charts are great way to visualise your team's performance. This example shows key BD activities this month, per user.

Performance Matrix

The best way to replace your whiteboards in the office with a visual, always up-to-date performance breakdown. This slide can be configured to show stats for individual users, teams or the company as a whole and can show up to 5 metrics.

πŸ’‘ Add the same metric with different timeframes if you'd like to compare performance across multiple time periods.

Target Matrix

View multiple users' performance towards their targets on specific metrics, complete with red, amber and green tracking allowing you to see at a glance who's on track.

🎯 Competition Slides


Once you have set up a League on OneUp, you can display this on your office screens for maximum impact!


Similarly, add the Missions that you have created to your slideshow to give the whole team visibility on how they are tracking towards those collaborative incentives.

πŸš€ Leaderboards

Metric Leaderboard

A classic for sales teams! See performance standings for a single metric across individuals or teams.

Conversion Leaderboard

Rank your users on who has the best conversion ratio/percentage for some of your key metrics.

Target Leaderboard

Target leaderboards are a great way to run incentives like lunch clubs, holiday targets or early finish on a Friday. It makes it super clear who has achieved 100% and which users are close runners up!

πŸŽ₯ Media Slides

Media slides can easily be overlooked, but the most engaging slideshows include a variety of media slides! These slides allow you to pad out your slideshow with anything else you'd like to share with your team. You can use videos, images, PDFs and text statements. Using these media slides, OneUp TV becomes an amazing tool to communicate with and motivate your team. Winning!

Some ideas using media slides include:

  • Share details of the prizes for your current incentives - Do you have a league or mission up on your screens? Why not add an additional slide to show some details on prizes and incentives?

  • Photos - add some personality to your slideshow by sharing your latest team photos or pictures of your office pets

  • Motivational Quotes - keep spirits high!

  • Embed a video - perhaps your company promo video or a trailer for your upcoming company retreat! You can use YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook video, etc.

  • Performance Records - create a PDF showing records such as most CV's in a week or highest placement fee to celebrate achievements and motivate your team to beat the record!

  • Company Announcements - use a text statement to communicate a quick announcement, such as after work drinks!

  • Employee of the Month or New Starter information - welcome newbies to the team or recognise your top employees!

  • Communicate your progression framework

  • Educate the team on your processes - You can use your OneUp slideshow to educate your team and drive process adherence by making common processes more visual.

Take a look at some examples of media slides below:

πŸ’‘ The slideshow accepts an image of any size. Typically, though if you’re using a TV, the aspect ratio will be 16:9, so any common TV resolutions (1280x720, 1920x1080 and 3840x2160 [4K]) will be fine! The higher the resolution, the more detailed the image.


Nested Slideshows

If you have multiple TVs and you'd like to have a certain group of slides on some or all of them you can build a nested slideshow.

External URL

If you have an external website that you'd like to show on your OneUp TV, you can add the URL here. An example could be additional stats or your weekly schedule shared with a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

πŸ’‘ Top Tips

  • OneUp TV Champion - if you've got a marketing team or an employee who is super creative, why not assign them as your dedicated Champion when it comes to creating content and managing your slideshows!

  • Content beyond OneUp: You can use other tools such as Powerpoint, Google Slides or Canva to create PDFs with additional content. Download them as an image (jpeg/ png) or a pdf and upload them to your OneUp slideshow.

  • Mix up your slides - break up your stat slides by including engaging visuals in between!

  • Tailor your slideshows to your teams - multiple TV's? Tailor your content and display a different slideshow relevant to each team!

  • Schedule Announcements: The OneUp Automation feature allows you to schedule announcements like Birthdays or Reminders. Learn more about this here.

  • Set up Triggers for Records - if you're including details of company records on your slideshow, why not set up corresponding Triggers to celebrate when a record is broken?! Learn how to set up Triggers here.

  • Company Logo: Upload your company logo under Manage > Customize OneUp > General, to make it appear in the top left corner of your slideshow.

  • Background pictures: Websites like Unsplash and Pixabay offer pictures free of charge that you can use for your backgrounds or to pad out your slideshow!

  • Size of Backgrounds/ Images: The background picture can be up to 5MB. The best picture resolution is 1920 x 1080.

Want to see an example?

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