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Customizing teacher access to jmc
Customizing teacher access to jmc

Office team, make specific information and functionality available to your teachers who are using jmc Teacher.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over a week ago

Get your teachers set up for success by giving them the access they need in jmc Teacher. From jmc Office, choose how teachers enter classroom attendance, if they can view discipline referrals, how they take lunch counts for their homeroom, and control their access to Communication submissions all from one convenient place.

To get started, log in to jmc Office at the building level and head to File > Online Settings.

Step One: Click the "Teacher" tab to access all options available for teachers.

Step Two: Select the "By Schedule" or "By Advisor" radio button to control how student lists display in jmc Teacher for attendance entry:

  • By Schedule: students are grouped by course section based upon their schedule

  • By Advisor: students are grouped by homeroom advisor, regardless of schedule

Step Three: Place a checkmark(s) in the following checkbox(es) in the Classroom Attendance Entry (CAE) box to control what attendance events teachers will be allowed to report:

  • Allowed Absences: Excused: allow teachers to report an excused absence for a student

  • Allowed Absences: Unexcused: allow teachers to report an unexcused absence for a student

  • Allowed Tardies: Excused: allow teachers to report an excused tardy for a student

  • Allowed Tardies: Unexcused: allow teachers to report an unexcused tardy for a student

Step Four: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to login" checkbox to allow access to jmc Teacher for the current school year.

Helpful Tip: Schools may choose to disallow access to jmc Teacher until student schedules are set to avoid questions from teachers about incomplete class rosters.

Step Five: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to view reasons" checkbox to let teachers view absence and tardy reasons for a student's attendance.

Step Six: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to enter reasons" checkbox to let teachers enter absence and tardy reasons for a student's attendance.

Step Seven: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to view attendance comments" checkbox to let teachers view comments for a student's attendance.

Step Eight: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to change attendance after reason selected" checkbox to let teachers modify absence and tardy selections for a student after a reason has been selected.

Step Nine: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to use Message Center" checkbox to allow teachers access to the Message Center for communication with students and their contacts.

Step Ten: Place a checkmark in the "Display current grade percentages" checkbox to display the current grade and percentage for each student's progress in jmc Teacher, jmc Family, and jmc Student.

Fun Fact: Removing the checkmark from the "Display current grade percentages" checkbox will display the course grade without a percentage.

Step Eleven: Select how teachers view discipline referrals from the "Allow teachers to view discipline" drop-down list:

  • Don't view any discipline referrals: no discipline referral information will be available to teachers

  • View only discipline referrals they have submitted: teachers will only see the referrals they have created

  • View discipline referrals for students in their classes: teachers will see referrals they created along with all referrals for students in their classes

  • View discipline referrals for all students: teachers will see all discipline referrals for all student in the school

Step Twelve: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to access Discipline Summary" to give teachers access to the discipline summary report.

Step Thirteen: Place a checkmark in the "Restrict CAE Submissions to Current Date" checkbox to allow teacher attendance reporting for the current date only.

Helpful Tip: Activate the "Restrict CAE Submissions to the Current Date" feature to avoid teachers accidentally editing attendance in a future date.

โ€‹Step Fourteen: Select the number of items available as options for teacher lunch counts from the "Number of Counts" drop-down list.

โ€‹Step Fifteen: Enter the name(s) of the lunch count item(s) (for example: "Hot Lunch", "Cold Lunch", "Salad", etc.) in each of the fields to define the lunch count options.

Step Sixteen: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to select 'All Students' on Homeroom Reports" checkbox to allow teachers to view progress reports for all students in the building.

Step Seventeen: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to view all accepted student communication submissions" checkbox to allow teachers to view communication submissions for all students.

Step Eighteen: Place a checkmark in the "Allow teachers to use Flex Schedules" checkbox to allow teachers to create flex schedule offerings.

Step Nineteen: Click the "Save" button to update any changes to the jmc Teacher settings.

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