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Link iCal calendars to jmc activities
Setting up the "Student Scope" page in jmc Office
Understanding jmc's Flex Scheduler
Enabling MCCC reporting via Ed-Fi
Allowing students to change their jmc student passwords
Setup Discipline Referrals Email Alerts in jmc Office
Accept updated family contact information in jmc Office
Monitoring students with the Admin Dashboard
Enabling iCal calendar integration in jmc Office
Setting up early warning-at risk in the Admin Dashboard
Learning the ins and outs of the Admin dashboard
Set random passwords for students and parents
View jmc Teacher as an administrator
Explore the building tab in the Admin Dashboard
Filtering student information in the Admin Dashboard
Enabling the Flex Scheduler for your building
Customizing Competency-Based Grading terminology
Add a logo to long text messages
Prepare Ed-Fi settings for Nebraska state reporting
Configure Ed-Fi settings for WISEdata submissions
Configure the jmc Family and jmc Student portal settings
Customizing teacher access to jmc
Set teacher access to the Communication module in jmc Office
Open and close online course registration
Create an office user
Navigate the starting the school year checklist like a pro
Add events to the Family app using the Event Scheduler
Configuring Family app settings in jmc Office
Creating custom fields questions for online registration
Granting Student Scope access
Initializing Contact Phone Numbers
Customizing Phone Dialer Settings
Integrate with Direct Admissions Minnesota
Setting password security and two-factor authentication in jmc Office
Managing tags
Using tags to differentiate students
Changing the time zone in your jmc database
Create flex schedule offerings in jmc Office
Setting the flex schedule calendar in jmc Office