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Enter system-wide teacher grade cutoffs and CBG results in jmc Office
Enter system-wide teacher grade cutoffs and CBG results in jmc Office

Define system-wide default grade cutoffs and CBG results to make it easy for teachers to adopt system wide grading expectations.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over 4 months ago

Looking to save your teachers time? Streamline the adoption of Competency-Based Grading in each class by entering your building's grade cutoffs and CBG results in jmc Office with just a single click. Define course grades and cutoff percentages to establish your school's grading scale. Additionally, set CBG results—including color, value, and description—to ensure consistent grading practices across your entire staff.

To enter system-wide cutoffs in jmc Office go to Grading > Utilities > Teacher Grade Cutoffs and CBG Results.

Step One: Click the "Add Grade Cutoff" link to add your first-grade cutoff to the grade cutoffs box on the top of the page.

Step Two: Select the "Grade" a student can earn from the drop-down list and enter the minimum percentage needed to earn the grade in the "Cutoff" field. For example, if your lowest "A" is 90%, select "A" from the "Grade" drop-down list and enter "90" in the "Cutoff" field.

Step Three: Click the "Save" link to record your new cutoff.

Step Four: Continue adding grade cutoffs until all letter grades and percentages have been entered for the class.

Fun Fact: Grade cutoffs define the threshold for the minimum percentage needed to obtain a letter grade with the lowest grade cutoff (typically a failing grade) set to zero.

Helpful Tip: Not seeing a grade that you would like to include in your teacher grade cutoffs? Head to the Grading > Utilities > Edit Grade Values page to add a grade value.

To enter system-wide Competency Based Grading results on the "Teacher Grade Cutoffs" and "CBG Results" page, follow these simple steps:

Step One: Select a number from the "Number of Results" drop-down list to begin creating Competency-Based Grading result definitions.

Fun Fact: The "Number of Results" refers to how many proficiencies are in your proficiency scale. For example, if your proficiency scale is "Meets", "Developing", "Beginning", and "Incomplete" you would select "4" from the "Number of Results" drop-down list.

Step Two: Click the "Edit" link next to a result row to begin defining a result in your proficiency scale.

Step Three: Select a color from the color picker to correspond with your competency-based grading result.

Helpful Tip: Unique colors for each proficiency result make reviewing student progress reports easier as families can look for patterns of colors to understand their student's learning progress.

Step Four: Enter an abbreviation (3 letters/numbers/symbols or fewer) in the "Name" field to create a display name for the result. For example "Met", "Dev", or "Beg" etc.

Step Five: Enter a number in the "Value" field to set a ranking order for your proficiency scale.

Step Six: Enter a description for the result in the "Description" field to correspond with your competency-based result.

Step Seven (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Proficiency Target" checkbox to set the result as the targeted proficiency.

Step Eight (optional): Place a checkmark in the "Exempt" checkbox to prevent the result from contributing to the final calculation.

Helpful Tip: Use the "Exempt" option for an "Incomplete", "Insufficient Information", or "Not turned in" result to communicate the information to all stakeholders without being punitive.

Step Nine: Click the "Update" link to save the result or click the "Cancel" link to discard changes.

Fun Fact: Once default grade cutoffs and CBG results are defined in jmc Office, teachers can add the results to their respective gradebooks with just a couple of clicks!

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