Discover jmc's Grading module
View teacher grade submission status in jmc Office
Edit a student's grades in jmc Office
Run a credit check detail for a student in jmc Office
Import ACT test scores into jmc Office
Create subject areas in the credit checker
Run a credit check
Emailing report cards feature in jmc Office
Pulling teacher grades and standards and benchmark results automatically into jmc Office
Manually enter grades and comments for a class
Accepting course grades and standards and benchmarks results in jmc Office
Extracting ISASP student files
Customize report card messages
Print honor roll reports
Print or email end of term course grades in jmc Office
Run a "Class Rank" report
Running a "Grade Point Averages" report
Adding or editing student transcripts
Print and email midterm report cards
Determining your school's grading solution
Run a missing scores report
View progress reports and grade information in jmc Office
Run a Grade Report
Print and email custom report cards
Reporting course grades with jmc
Edit grade values
Enter system-wide teacher grade cutoffs and CBG results in jmc Office
Transcripts overview
Bring student transcripts up to date
Print or export student transcripts
Creating transfer courses on a student transcript
Export student rosters to FastBridge
Review the credit checker setup
Import credit requirements in Credit Checker
Print graduation credit requirements
Edit graduation course requirements in jmc Office
Understanding student grade point averages with the "Show GPA" report
Wrapping up end of term to-dos
Providing access to grading tools in jmc Teacher
Review student eligibility status and college selections for Direct Admissions Minnesota