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Configure the jmc Family and jmc Student portal settings
Configure the jmc Family and jmc Student portal settings

Customize family access and student access settings in jmc Office to allow families and students to view a variety of information.

Emily Hoyne avatar
Written by Emily Hoyne
Updated over 11 months ago

The jmc "Family Access" and "Student Access" tabs on the "Online Settings" page are all about helping your jmc building share important details through the jmc Family and Student portals. Allow access to information like attendance, grades, lunch balances, and even bus schedules for a selected term or the whole year simply by placing checkmarks in the appropriate checkboxes. In addition to managing portal access, the "Family Access" settings also lets you establish scheduled alerts, ensuring families are always up-to-speed with student grades, attendance and late and missing work.

Log in to jmc Office at the building level, head to File > Online Settings and click the "Family Access" or "Student Access" tab to manage access in the respective jmc portals.

Step One: On the "Family Access" tab, place a checkmark in the "Allow Family and Student access to schedule information" checkbox to allow families and students to view scheduling information.

Helpful Tip: If your district hasn't finalized student schedules yet, remove the checkmark from the "Allow Family and Student access to schedule information" checkbox to avoid confusion and unnecessary calls to the office.

Step Two (optional): On the "Family Access" tab, select a term from the "Schedule Term Display" drop-down list to allow families (and students) to view scheduling information and progress reports for a specific term.

Step Three: On the "Family Access" tab, select a term from the "Term" drop-down list to allow families (and students) to view report cards for a specific term.

Step Four: On either the "Family Access" or "Student Access" tabs, place a checkmark in the following checkboxes to grant access to these modules in their respective portals:

  • Attendance: track student absences and tardies for the school year along with the reason for the absence or tardy

  • Lunch: make deposits into family accounts when online payments are enabled and view a transaction record of breakfast and lunch purchases

  • Fees (Family Access only): pay tuition and fees online when online payments are enabled and keep track of fees owed and payments made

  • Report Card: access and print report cards with final grades, term type, GPAs, graduation credits, absences, tardies, honor roll results and class rank

  • Progress Reports: track assignment scores and grades in real time as they are published by teachers to view the most current grading information

  • Lesson Plans: view teacher lesson plans to keep up to date with what is going on in the classroom on a day-to-day basis

  • Discipline (Family Access only): view detailed behavioral interactions submitted to the office by staff members regarding student behavior incidents

  • Bus Information: view student bus number, bus driver's name, pick up time, and drop off time as well as alternate route information

  • Credit Check Detail: keep tabs on student graduation credits to make sure they are on track to graduate on time

  • Test Scores: view results of test scores such as the ACT, SAT, FAST, ISASP or other state or federal standardized tests

  • Transcripts: print unofficial transcripts that can also be used as a second form of identification for a student

  • Standards and Benchmarks Report Card: view standards-based report card results if your school reports student progress toward standards

Fun Fact: The "Family Access" tab provides the additional option of displaying term, year and/or cumulative GPAs, honor roll status, and class rank on report cards in jmc Family and jmc Student.

Helpful Tip: On the "Family Access" tab, select the current term from the "Progress Report Term Display" drop-down list to enable progress report access for a specific term or choose "All Year" to display all progress reports in jmc Family and jmc Student.

Step Five: Click the "Save" button to update your "Family Access" or "Student Access" settings.

In addition to managing portal access, head to the "Family Alerts" box on the "Family Access" tab to manage grading, attendance and missing/late score alert settings.

Step One: Enter an email address in the "Reply to Email Address" field in the "Family Alerts" box to receive replies to auto generated grade and missing score email alerts.

Helpful Tip: Place a checkmark in the "Use Teacher Email Addresses for Grade Alerts" checkbox to override the "Reply To Email Address" and allow families to reply directly to the teacher when they receive a grade alert.

Step Two: Enter the date families can start receiving grade alerts in the "Last Grade Check Date" field or simply click the calendar icon to provide access to grade alerts.

Step Three: Enter the date families can start receiving attendance alerts in the "Last Attendance Check Date" field or simply click the calendar icon to provide access to attendance alerts.

Step Four: Enter the date families can start receiving missing score alerts in the "Last Missing Scores Check Date" field or simply click the calendar icon to provide access to missing score alerts.

Step Five: Enter the date families can start receiving late score alerts in the "Last Late Scores Check Date" field or simply click the calendar icon to provide access to late score alerts.

Helpful Tip: Place a checkmark in the "Limit Grade/Missing/Late Score Alerts (Once Per Day)" checkbox to prevent families from receiving multiple alerts on the same day.

Step Six: Enter a number of minutes in the "Attendance Alert Delay (Minutes)" field to delay the sending of an absence alert by a few minutes to allow time for office professionals to correct errors in attendance reporting.

Helpful Tip: Delaying a message by the length of a class period gives office professionals time to make corrections to errors in attendance reporting before alerting families.

Step Seven: Click the "Save" button to update family alerts settings.

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