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Run a credit check

Use the credit checker overview to keep tabs on students who are not be on track to graduate on time.

Jacob Van Scoyoc avatar
Written by Jacob Van Scoyoc
Updated over a week ago

Want to quickly see which students are not be on pace to graduate on time? Guidance counselors and administrators can get a high-level view of the graduation status for a graduating class in jmc Office using the Credit Check Overview. View deficiency reports by graduating class including the number and names of students deficient by curricular area.

Head to Grading > Credit Checker > Credit Check Overview to get started.

Step One: Select the graduation year from the "Graduation Year" drop-down list to narrow results to a graduating class.

Step Two: Place a checkmark in the "Assume Students Passed Registered Courses" checkbox to count current courses as credits received toward graduation requirements.

Step Three: Click the "Preview" button to view:

  • "Subject Area": As defined in the credit checker, the subject area is a group of courses that fall within the same curricular area. For example, the courses Algebra I and Geometry would fall under the subject area "Math".

  • "Deficient": The number of students that do not possess the graduation credit requirements as defined in the credit checker for the subject area listed.

  • "Potentially Deficient": Number of students that would not possess the credits needed for graduation if current courses in the subject area are not passed.

  • "Student Names": A list of students by name that are deficient or potentially deficient.

Step Four: Click the "Print" button to print a copy of your Credit Check Overview or save it as a PDF for later reference.

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