Answer those tough GPA questions that impact honor roll, class rank and college entrance by running the "Show GPA" report in jmc Office. Provide a detailed account of a student's grade point average to break down how the calculation was made. Simply, select a student and the appropriate term to view courses, weights and grade points that impact a student's final GPA.
In jmc Office, navigate to Grading > Utilities > Show GPA to view a detailed breakdown of a student's GPA.
Step One: Enter a student's name in the "Find" field to view GPA information for the selected student.
Step Two: Select a term type from the "Term Type" drop-down list and specify a term by clicking the appropriate radio button to filter your report.
Step Three: Select a radio button from the "GPAs" box to include the selected details in your "Show GPA" report.
Term: displays GPA details for the selected term
Year: displays GPA details for the entire year up through the selected term
Cum: includes GPA totals from previous years along with the "Year" GPA report
Step Four: Click the "Preview" button to view GPA details of the selected student.
Fun Fact: Need a better understanding of how the student's GPA is calculated? The "Show GPA" report displays the formula including the earned grade values, the effective weight and total grade points earned.