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How To Create or Edit a Task Template
How To Create or Edit a Task Template
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over 7 months ago

Tasks show you what needs to be done each day based on what is due. Without them, you won't know where you are at with your transactions or what you need to work on each day.

Using task templates saves you time because you only have to add the template to the transaction rather than adding each task manually. It's important to create multiple task templates based on the different transactions you will manage. This makes it so you only apply the tasks that matter to the transaction.

For example, you might occasionally run across transactions where a septic or well is present. Rather than having those tasks as part of one large task template when they're only needed some of the time, create a template with tasks specific to each option.

Creating Task Templates

Step 1:

To create a new task template for all of the tasks you need, go to the hammer icon and click on Templates.

Step 2:

Once there, find and select Task Templates on the left side. Click on the Add New button and give the template a name. This will create the base of your task template.

If you're editing a task template, you can click on Edit under the name of the task template you just created or any existing one.

Step 3:

Now that you are in the task template, you can start adding tasks. Click on + Add Task and enter the name of the task. After that, click on the drop-down to the left of the Add button to place the task in the order you want it to appear in for the task template. If this is the first task in the task template, you will not need to worry about placement yet.

Step 4:

Next is the option to have this specific task listed as a critical task and/or have it pinned to the top of your tasks on the Property Details and Task Pipeline pages.

If it's labeled as critical, you can filter all of the tasks to see just the critical ones. This option is also on the Property Details and Tasks pages.

Step 5:

The Conditional Date Calculation is used when a specific task is reliant on another task or on a date from the transaction you applied the task template for. By default, this is marked as None, but you can change this by selecting the type of condition you want it to have.

Step 6:

Once you have all of the information filled out for the task, click on Add to have it added to the task template you are creating.

Conditional Date Calculation - Property Date

For the Property Date calculation, you will need to fill out the following information.

  • Days - How many days will this take to appear?

  • Time Frame - Choose from Business Day(s), Calendar Day(s), Calendar Day(s) - Skip landing weekend day(s).

  • When - Is this task going to show up before or after the Date Option?

  • Date Option - This option is unique to the Property Date Calculation. The task is based on a date field in the transaction rather than another task. For this, select the date field the task is related to.

  • Weekend Roll, Federal Holiday Roll - If the task has a due date that falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday, do you want it to roll forward or roll backward?

    • You cannot have one roll forward while the other rolls backward. This will create an infinite loop. If you are going to use both of these options, make sure they are the same.

  • Skip Federal Holidays - If you do not want the task due date to fall on Federal Holidays, you can select that here.

Here's an example of what all of this can look like:

Conditional Date Calculation - Task

Next is the Task calculation, which has all of the same questions except for the Date Option. Since this is a task based on another task, it will have Choose Task instead. Select this option if you want your task to be dependent on another task.

Once the task is added, it will show CHILD on the task. The task that you based the Child task off of will show PARENT. Once the task template is applied, you can complete the Parent task without having to complete the Child task, but you cannot complete the Child task without completing the Parent task.

Another thing to note about the Child task is that it will not have a date attached to it when the task template is initially applied. It will show a due date once the Parent task has been completed.

Parent Task

Child Task

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