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Using Smart Blocks in Email Templates

This article will teach you how to use smart blocks in email templates.

Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over a month ago

Smart blocks are like merge fields. They pull information from a transaction into an email, but smart blocks use conditional logic to decide when specific information should be used.

For example, in the image below, a smart block is highlighted for the (B) Accepted Offer Transaction Summary. Since it's highlighted, you can click on SB in the editor bar to inspect the content of the smart block.

This will open a side panel to the left where you'll see all of the content for that smart block, including merge fields, line breaks [BR], and conditionals. Conditionals are one of the most important parts of smart blocks because they tell the system to either bring in the smart block content or leave it out.

In the example below, the Contract Client Type field must equal Buyer. It will only bring in the details of the smart block if the conditions are met. This eliminates writing lengthy emails with all the details each time you have a new transaction. Instead, you can have smart blocks built out and in place to do the work for you.


All grammar and punctuation should be included in the content of the smart block rather than in the body of the email. If you need to have your smart block inline rather than in its own paragraph, make sure you toggle on the inline option in the Smart Block editor.

Using Smart Blocks

To apply an existing smart block to an email template, click the bullet point icon to the right of the editor bar or press CTRL + A on your keyboard.

This will open a side panel on the left, where you can select Smart Blocks or Smart Block Groups. After that, click on the name of the smart block you need to use. It will automatically copy the smart block in the format needed for you to paste it into the email template.

When you go to your transaction to apply the email template with the smart block, you will see that it pulls in the information you saw when inspecting the smart block. It's always good to read through it once to ensure everything populated correctly before sending it.

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