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Smart Block Groups
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over 7 months ago

Smart Block Groups

You can group a collection of smart blocks that can be added in bulk to an email or text. For example, if you want to have all of the details for the home inspection, you can create a Smart Block Group that pulls in all of the fields that pertain to this subject.

Using Smart Block Groups

Step 1:

From the hammer icon, choose Smart Blocks. If you want to use a shortcut, you can hit CTRL + S from your keyboard and it will open a side panel on the right side.

Step 2:

Click Edit Smart Block Groups.

Step 3:

Click the Add Smart Block Group button. Enter the Smart Group Name then copy and paste the name to the Smart Group Merge Field. Click the Add button.

Step 4:

From the message block below, start typing what you want to include in your smart block group and click the blue bullet point icon to open the merge fields. Once the merge fields window opens, you can start copying smart blocks/groups and paste them into the message block.

Step 5:

You can also add one or more conditions and child conditions to your smart block.

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