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Field Type Options
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over 2 years ago

If you are adding new Fields to your Field Editor, there will be a section for you to select the type of Field you want to gather your information with. Each one is listed below, briefly describing when to use it.


When creating a Field, the Field Type cannot be changed once you save it. You would have to delete the Field and then recreate it. Be sure to read through all options below to find the one that fits your Field the best.

Field Type Options


This allows the user to enter a short description, such as the address, in the Field when you are on a transaction.

Here are the other options you have when adding a new Field Type. These options are the same for most of the other Field Type choices.

  • Table Background Color - You can pick a color for the Field so when you go to the transactions to look at the details, you will see that Field with the color you selected.

  • Default Priority - If this Field needs to have a Priority on it, meaning it will need attention based on the urgency you give it. Your choices are High, Med, or Low.

  • "I understand" Box - When you update the Field, you will need to check this box to confirm your changes.

  • Update Button - The Update button will not show up until you have checked the "I understand" box.

Image shows all of the options listed above from top to bottom and mainly on the left side of the slide out window on the right side of the screen.


Use this text option for longer descriptions. This can be helpful if there are additional details about the transaction. There aren't any other details to fill in for this Field Type option, aside from the four mentioned above in the bullet points.


If you need the value to be money/currency or a percentage, you will want to use the Decimal Field Type.

  • Dollar ($) - using a dollar amount will give you the option to add cents to the amount or not. For example, you can use cents ($5.00) or no cents ($5).

  • Percent - using a percentage will give you the option to either have a whole number or a number with a decimal like 5% or 5.5%.

Image shows the "Is Time Required For This Date" dropdown option, with a yes or no answer.


You can create a Date Field Type so the user can pick a calendar date. This can be used with your API calendar if you have that set up. You can also choose a specific start and end time for this Field Type.


Use this Field Type if the Field's value requires a number. This field can be used as a fallback field in Date Templates, which allows you to override the original number of days that the Field was due.


You can create a Field with choices for the answers. This is helpful when the Field has multiple options you can choose from. Here are the different ways you can use the Choice Field Type.

  • Multiple Select - This gives you the ability to have more than one item selected at the same time. Choosing No for this option will make it so you can only select one choice from the dropdown instead of multiple.

    • Multiple Select is only available when processing internal intake forms. It is not currently available for the agent intake form.

    • Conditional logic cannot be used with Multiple Select.

  • Intake Form Display Radio Options - If you have limited options for your answers, you can use the Radio button. This is helpful if you have something like a yes or no answer. Rather than clicking on a dropdown to then click on the answer, you can click on the Radio button instead.

  • Intake Form Stack Options - If you use this option, your choices will be listed vertically rather than horizontally. This can only be used if the Radio Options are marked as Yes.

Image shows all three options stacked on top of each other with each one having a dropdown to choose a yes or no answer from.

Once you have created the Choice option, a side window will open to the left that allows you to add answers to your Field. Anytime you see this Field on an intake form or the details of a transaction, you will have the option to pick any of the answers you are creating for that Field. When adding your answers, you can only use alphanumeric characters and dashes (no special characters).

Once you have all of the choices for the Field entered, you can do the following with each card:

  • Sort answers by clicking on the six dots to the left of the content box and drag and drop the card to the spot you want it.

  • Change the star from clear to purple. This is used to determine if the Field choice will show in the agent or client portal views. Clicking on the star will change it to purple, meaning the Field choice will show in the portal views.

  • Choose a color for that specific Field choice by clicking on the circle.

  • Update the name of the Field choice.

  • Delete the Field choice by clicking on the trash icon next to the Update button.

Image shows "Close" at the top of the left side panel window with the Field Options listed below. First text box is to add a new field with the Add button on the right side of the text box. Below that are the choices you have created with the options listed above. Six dots are to the left of the text box with Update to the right of it. Next to Update is the trash icon to delete the field. Under the text box is the star and background color circle.

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