If you want to organize your email templates into different categories, this can be done by going to the hammer icon and clicking on Templates. You will automatically land on the Email Templates page.
Clicking on All Categories will allow you to add, filter, or manage your email template categories. If you want to add a new category, you can enter the name into the text box and click on Add. The new category will appear below the text box.
You can also click on Manage Categories to edit or delete your current categories.
To edit an existing category, click on the name of the category which will allow you to change the name. Be sure to click on the Return/Enter key on your keyboard for it to save the changes.
If you need to delete the category instead, click on the trash icon. This will automatically remove the category, so be sure you are deleting the correct one. If you delete the wrong one, you will need to recreate the category and add it to each of your email templates that fall under that category.
Once you have your categories in place, go to the actual email template on the right side, and click on the drop down arrow next to Category. You can select the category you want your email template to belong to, or you have the option to manage your categories from this drop down as well.
If you need to change the category for a group of email templates, you can do so by clicking on the box next to Clone & Modify Options for each of the templates you need to change.
This will open some choices at the bottom of your page where you can click on Category to change the selected templates to the category you need.
Click on the drop down to choose the category you want the email templates assigned to. After that, click the Set Category button to update the templates.
Now that you have your categories set, you can filter the email templates by any of the categories you have. Simply go back to the All Categories button, and select the category you want to see. It will change the All Categories button to what you filtered it by.