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How To Apply a Task Template Using a Property Template
How To Apply a Task Template Using a Property Template
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over 7 months ago

Another way to apply a task template is through your property templates. Property templates can consist of trigger, task, field, document, and date templates.

When you manually create a new transaction, or import one from Dotloop, SkySlope, or Brokermint, you have the option to add a property template to the transaction. You can even add a property template to an existing transaction. This saves you time since you don't have to add each type of template individually.

Here are the different sections we'll cover in this article.

Creating a Property Template With Task Templates

Step 1:

Go to the hammer icon, select Templates.

Step 2:

Go to Property Templates to pull up a page very similar to how the task templates page looks. You can either create a new property template or edit an existing one. For this, we'll use a new property template.

Step 3:

After you've entered the name of the new property template, you can click on Edit to start adding the different templates to it.

Step 4:

The task template option is the second one in the list. Select the task template you want applied when you apply the property template.

Once it's selected, you can click on Add > to move it in to the property template. You can add more than one task template to the property template, but make sure you are only adding task templates that are needed based on the type of transaction it is.

You don't want to put all of your tasks in to one task template because not every transaction is the same. Break apart your task templates into groups based on the different actions in the transaction. For example, if you only work with septic on occasion, you would want to have a task template for septic tasks.

Applying Your Property Template

Now that you have your property template set up with your task templates and other templates, you can either add the property template when you initially create a new property, add it to an existing property, or add it when importing a property through Dotloop, SkySlope, or Brokermint.

Let's first go over adding a property template to a new property before going over adding one to an existing property and importing a property from one of our integrations.

New Property

To add the property template to a new property, you can go to your Dashboard and click on + New or on the Add Property button. If you are on the Properties page, you can click on the Add Property button as well.

New Property on the Dashboard Header

Add Property on the Dashboard or Properties Page

You will need to fill out the initial information including the Contract Title, Team, Team User, and Agent Portal User (optional) before you will see the section to apply one of the property templates from your account.

Select the one you want to use which will show you all of the different templates that will be applied to the transaction. Click on Next to move forward with adding the new transaction.

Existing Property

If you need to apply a property template to an existing transaction, go to the property details by clicking on the property title. This is typically the address but can be something different if you are using another way of naming your transactions.

On the left side there are two green buttons, one that says Details and another with a drop down triangle. Click on the second one to open up your property options. There will be an option to Apply Property Templates that you'll need to click on to start the process.


Property templates can be applied at any time during a transaction, but you will want to be cautious when applying one as you can rewrite information that is pre-existing on the transaction. For example, if you manually add dates to your transaction, and then apply a property template that has a date template in it, the dates will be adjusted to what is on the date template.

You'll see a list of property templates in your account. You can either search for the one you need using the search box, or scroll through them before clicking on Apply.

Import a Property From an Integration

Lastly, you can apply a property template when you import a transaction from Dotloop, SkySlope, or Brokermint. To do this, click on the + New on the Dashboard header or click on Add Property on the Dashboard or Properties page. These are the same spots you can add a new property from.

As you are working through adding information about your transaction from Dotloop, SkySlope, or Brokermint, there will be a Property Template section. Click on the drop-down option to select the property template you want to apply. Go through the next section(s) to finish importing the transaction.

Removing a Task Template From a Property Template

If you find that you need to remove a task template from your property template, go to your Property Template page. Select the property template you need to modify and click on the trash icon to the right of the task template name. This is not deleting the actual task template, only removing it from the property template.

If you've already applied your property template and need to remove the tasks that were applied from a template, follow along with this article to learn more: How To Delete All Tasks or Tasks From a Template in a Transaction.

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