If you're utilizing triggers, the Trigger Pipeline page is one of the most effective ways to work through your responsibilities every day. Each trigger card shows all of the details related to the trigger, so you rarely have to leave the Trigger Pipeline to get your work done.
In this article, we'll go over all of the information you can view on a trigger card. We'll start by reviewing what a standard trigger card has on it before going over the advanced options found in the funnel icon. These advanced options are known as the Trigger Display Options.
Standard Trigger Card
Each trigger card will have a bubble at the top showing what the trigger function is. Clicking on this will open the function so you can review it. The types of trigger functions you will see are Emails, Texts, and/or Templates.
After the function bubble, you will see the template name and what email address/phone number it is sending from. This only applies to the email and text trigger cards.
Below those two lines is the Send Date & Time, Contingency, and the address which is linked back to the property's transaction details. This will be displayed on all the different types of trigger cards.
You can also select multiple triggers and perform the following actions:
Set Due - This will update the due date & time for all of the triggers selected.
Schedule - Triggers will be converted into scheduled emails or texts and will no longer be triggers.
Deactivate - This will make it so the trigger is no longer active.
Delete - You can delete the trigger if you no longer need it.
To the right of Select Trigger is a clock next to Snooze. Clicking on this will give you the option to snooze the trigger for up to four days. You can also set a new date and time if it needs to be set past four days.
Your next options allow you to view the trigger function including the template being used, what it looks like once all merge fields and smart blocks have been applied, and the option to manually send the email or text.
Edit - When you click on Edit, a side panel will open to the right where you'll be able to modify the content for emails and texts. This will render the email or text to the final draft, so if you update any field values, it will not be reflected in the rendered email or text.
We highly recommend updating the template that is being used with merge fields or smart blocks to bring in the information automatically rather than manually editing the email or text.
Inspect - A side panel will open to the left that allows you to see what the email or text will look like once it's ready to send. If you scroll down past the email, you will see a section for missing merge items, if you have any. You can scroll to the bottom of the email and click on Edit Fields to find the field that is missing information. Enter in the value before refreshing the email.
Send - You can choose to send the email or text manually which bypasses the trigger automation. This can be helpful if you need to send something sooner than you anticipated.
Drop down arrow - Clicking on this will open the Trigger Attributes which includes the details of the trigger (if you have any entered), the team the trigger is assigned to, and any tags that are present on the trigger.
Trash icon - You can delete any trigger by clicking on the trash icon. When you delete a trigger, you can restore it by going to the trigger section of your transaction. On the left side of the triggers there will be a status for deleted triggers where you can review and restore any that accidentally got removed.
Trigger Display Options
Now that you have an understanding of what information is standard on all trigger cards, let's go over the advanced options you can add to help speed up your day. These options can be found by clicking on the funnel icon which is to the left of the Immediately column.
Depending on your subscription with Open To Close, some of these options may not be available to you. To check out what's included in your subscription, please visit our pricing page or reach out to us at help@opentoclose.com.
Priority & Trigger Buttons
This will show you the priority for each of the triggers. DUE represents anything due immediately, past due, or due today. ONE means it is due tomorrow, and TWO is the day after tomorrow.
Priority Options
This row of options is helpful because it allows you to view different parts of the transaction without having to go into the transaction itself.
Envelope - This opens a panel where you can compose a new email either from scratch or from a template. You can also schedule an email to go out at a specific date and time, view sent emails, and use the API connection to view synced emails or scan emails.
House - If you need to manage or update any fields for the transaction, you can use this option. There is also the option to go to your Field Editor, but be careful when editing fields there because it will make changes to the fields for all transactions in your account.
Magnifying Glass - This allows you to search for any field on the transaction so you can view the value you have entered for it or add a value if it's missing.
Person - You can access your contacts by clicking on the person icon. There is the option to create a new contact for the transaction or work on any existing contact. These are the actions you can take on any of the contacts listed on this panel: delete the contact, view all personal details, copy the name, give the contact a priority so it shows in the health bar (priority bar), call/email/text/add notes, edit the contact, change the contact role, or send a portal invite
Paper - This will open your Documents page where you can apply a template, add folders, approve documents, and manage any document such as uploading a file, color coordinating it, assign a file role, splitting the document, or deleting it.
Square Paper - You can add a new note related to the transaction, and also see any note that has been added to the transaction, pin a note to the top, exclude the note from the agent and client portal views, and delete the note. You can also give the note a priority so it shows in your health bar (priority bar).
Paper With Grid - This is for your One-Sheets which keep your clients up to date with the transaction. You can create a new One-Sheet or view an existing one to make changes. There are also the options to preview the One-Sheet, schedule & send it, or download it for your records outside of Open To Close.
Text Bubble - Much like the email option, you can create and send a text message or you can apply a text template before sending or scheduling it. You can also view any sent or received text messages and view any of your scheduled texts for that transaction.
Lightning Bolt - To see the different triggers for the transaction, click on the lightning bolt to go to your Triggers page. This is where you can add a new trigger, apply a trigger template, view triggers in different statuses, or delete any. Viewing the trigger statuses is helpful if you need to see why a trigger didn't fire off.
Dollar Sign - This opens up a panel to either create or view the Commission Report for the property.
Coin Stack - This opens up even more options such as your Details, Default & Settings, Timeline, API connections, and Utilities for that specific property.
Trigger Attributes
This option is the same as the drop down arrow that is part of the standard options on a trigger card. It shows the Details (if any were entered), Team, and Tags. You can edit or add tags, that way you can filter by them if needed.
Assigned To
This will show who the trigger is assigned to based on the Roles you created in your account and what you labeled the trigger with. Instead of the person's actual name, it will show the initials of any team member tied to your account that is assigned the Role for the trigger.
Trigger Conditions
If you're using conditions to determine if a trigger is ready, you can use this option to view the existing conditions and/or add a new condition. To do this, click on the padlock to open a panel on the right side where you can view or make changes.
Here are a couple of other things to note about conditions:
If the conditions on the trigger have been met, it will be queued according to the date of the trigger. When there is a parent and child condition on the trigger, as long as the parent condition is met, the child condition doesn’t have to be met for it to be queued up.
You can see a list of all triggers with conditions that have not been met by clicking on the Filter Triggers option under Conditions Not Met.