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Using Subtasks

This article will teach you how to use subtasks.

Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over a month ago

Subtasks can be very beneficial when you have a task with multiple steps. Adding subtasks will create a list of other tasks that need to be done before the parent task is completed. You can also set whether the subtasks are required before the parent task can be completed.

There are three areas where you can see subtasks; the Task Pipeline, the Tasks section of a property, or a Task Template. Let's go over each one.

Task Pipeline

When you are on the Task Pipeline, you can add new subtasks to any of the task cards. You can also see if there are already subtasks listed for any of the tasks. All you need to do is click on the numbers next to Sub Tasks: to open up a side panel on the right.

This is where you can add new subtasks or complete existing ones. Depending on your subtask permissions, you may have to check off each subtask before completing the whole task.

You can also add notes to each subtask and delete any that are no longer relevant.

Tasks Tab Within a Property

If you are working from the property, you can find the task you need in your task list. Just like the Task Pipeline, you can click on the numbers next to Sub Tasks: to open the side panel on the right.

All options you had with the Task Pipeline are the same as the Tasks tab on any property.

Task Templates

One of the smarter ways to use subtasks is by adding them to the tasks in your Task Templates. This makes it so you don't have to manually add each subtask to every task in all of your transactions.

To start, go to your hammer icon and click on Templates. This will give you a list of templates where you can find and click on Task Templates.

Find the Task Template you want to modify and click on Edit. Now you will see the list of tasks you created for that specific template. Click on the zero next to Sub Tasks: to start adding them.

A side panel will open to the right where you can add each subtask and even add notes to each one. This is helpful if you need to leave instructions on how to complete the subtask.

At the top of the side panel, you can check a box to make it so the subtask(s) must be completed before you can complete the main task.

If you have any questions regarding subtasks, please reach out to us through chat or by emailing us at

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