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Understanding the Task Details in Task Templates
Understanding the Task Details in Task Templates
Kristina Patten avatar
Written by Kristina Patten
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you've added tasks to your task template, you will see a number of different options on each one. These options will help you customize your tasks even further so you are getting the most out of them. The more customized your tasks are, the easier it will be for you to get through them each day.

Mass Options for All Tasks

The first image shows the drop down option button. Clicking on this allows you to expand or collapse the additional task options for all of the tasks. The additional task options include conditions, tags, and user roles.

To the right of the expand/collapse button is the Filter Tasks text box where you can filter down your tasks to find which ones you need to work on.

Below the Filter Tasks, you will see the All | None option which allows you to select or deselect all of the tasks. If all of the tasks are selected, you can do the following actions:

  • Change the contingency date, task roles, or task tags.

  • Assign a color to all of the tasks.

  • Delete all of the tasks.

Task Details - Left Side

After the mass select options, you will see the first section of the actual task. Here is what each one represents, starting with the drop down option on the left side of the row.

  • Drop Down Option - This will open the additional task options for the task you are on.

  • Gray Circle - If you are using color coordination in your account, you can set the color for specific tasks. Here are some examples; you could use one color for all tasks with emails, another for all internal processes, and one for tasks that are reliant on an outside source.

  • Blank Circle - If you only want to select a few tasks at a time rather than all of them at once, you can click on this circle to select the task(s). This will open the same choices mentioned in the mass options section.

  • Task Name - You can click on the name of the task to make edits to it. It will turn the background purple to indicate you are editing it, and you will need to click on either Return or Enter on your keyboard to save the changes.

Next is the Parent | Child option. If you want to have a task contingent on another task, you can click on the gray link to the right of Child to link that task to another task. The task you are linking to becomes the Parent task.

Parent tasks have to be completed in order for you to complete a Child task. You cannot complete a Child task if the Parent task is still open.

Next is the Subtasks. Subtasks can be very beneficial when you have a task with multiple steps. Adding subtasks will create a list of other tasks that need to be done before the parent task is completed. You do have the option to set whether the subtasks are required before the parent task can be completed.

Below that is the Add option which will create a new task directly below the task you are on. It will be blank so you will need to make sure you use the options listed in this article to make it useful to you.

Next to Add is Clone. This will copy everything on the task to a new task, and is helpful if you have similar tasks that way you don't have to recreate the original task. You can clone it instead and then make the small changes you need.

Task Details - Right Side

To the right of the task title are a number of different options for the task. From left to right, here is each one with a description.

  • EX - This will exclude any of the notes on the task from the agent and client portals. If this is a charcoal color, it means it's actively excluding notes.

  • Number - This represents the number of notes that are on the task.

  • Pin - You can pin the task to the top of the list which will appear on the Tasks page when you are in the transaction details or on the Task Pipeline.

  • Critical - If you have specific tasks that are important and can't be missed, you can click on the Critical icon. Once the task template is applied, you can filter by the critical tasks to see which ones need your attention. This can be done from the Task Pipeline or Tasks page in the transaction.

  • Internal Notes (three horizontal lines) - This is where you can add internal information such as how to do certain tasks. If you have new people on your team, they can look over these details so they know how to complete the task.

  • Calendar - This will show you the Conditional Date Calculation screen which is the same screen you used to create the initial task. You can make adjustments to the task as needed before clicking on Update.

  • Trigger - If you want to add a trigger to your task, you can click on the lightning bolt to either add one from a template or manually. The trigger will either happen when the task is completed or when it is not completed and will either send an email/text or add/remove template(s), field section(s), or field(s).

  • Recurring - You can choose to have a recurring task, that way, it will reopen after a set number of days after you completed it. A good example is if you want to check in with the buyer every two days.

  • Delete - The trash icon can be used to delete the task from your account. Be careful when deleting tasks since they might be tied to other tasks or actions in your account. Deleting tasks cannot be undone so be sure you are deleting the correct one.

Below that row of task options, you will see when the task is due. If this doesn't exist on the task, it means you do not have a due date on the task. Tasks that aren't due will show under your Unscheduled section when the task template is applied.

Task Details - Additional Task Options

To get find the additional task options, click on the drop down option to the left of the gray or colored circle. This will open up the ability to add conditions, tags, and assign user roles.

The first option is + Add Condition. Conditions allow you to set specific criteria that has to be met in order for the task to be completed. Using conditions in tasks really helps you know when tasks are ready for your attention. Let's look at the image below to see how a condition works on a task.

In order for the task to be ready, which is checking in with the client about the inspection, the field, Home Inspection, cannot be blank. If the field was blank, it means that the inspection wasn't scheduled yet, so there wouldn't be a reason to check in with the client about it.

Next is the + Tags option. Clicking on this allows you to add a new tag to your account, assign existing tags to the task, clear all tags from the task, or manage your existing tags. Once you have tags added to your tasks, you can filter by the tag(s) on the Task Pipeline or Tasks page in the transaction.

If you need to change the role on the task to someone else in the office, you can do so by clicking the + Roles option and selecting what role you need instead. You don't want to have too many roles on a task because that may lead to confusion on who is supposed to complete them.

The last option on the right is the padlock which shows how many conditions are on the task. If you don't have any conditions, the padlock will be open. If it's closed, there will be a number next to it indicating how many conditions are on the task.


The feature for task locking when using conditions is only available on our Pro Plan. For more information on what the plan offers, follow this link.

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