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Training Policy
Written by Charlotte
Updated over 3 years ago

Orka Works is committed to ensuring the necessary training is in place so that our workforce meets the statutory requirements of the Private Security Industry Act 2001 and can carry out their duties in a safe manner. We are also committed to ensuring the necessary personal development to improve the skills and competence of our workforce in the focused delivery of services to our clients.


The aim of our trainingpolicy is to ensure that all employees are given the necessary tools to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies they require to carry out their jobs legally and efficiently and to provide every opportunity for career development.

An internal review of Orka Works’ training policy and procedures will be carried out every 12 months.


Training will be delivered in three stages:

Stage 1: Statutory Training

Required to meet the statutory obligations of the Private Security Industry Act 2001, and provided by third parties prior to officers obtaining their SIA License - Having completed this training an employee will have met the legal standard required for them to become an SIA licensed security officer.

Stage 2: Orka’s Community Guidelines

Through an online induction Orka Works employees will learn the expectations, both performance based and behaviour based over their employment with Orka Works

Stage 3: Contract/Site/Client Specific Training

To be provided by clients, to enable an Orka Works employee to work on a particular contract, site or for a particular client. This will include, but not be limited to, Health and Safety at Work training specific to the contract, site or industry sector.


A record of training on each site will be established by clients and flagged on their Orka Works profile. This will be updated throughout the lifecycle of employment to provide an auditable trail of training and development. Where the requirements of a contract demand it, a record in the form of a Training Matrix, specific to the contract, may also be kept by the client, but this is their responsibility.


Based on the vast variety in sites and clients serviced by Orka Works, we must and will lean on the clients and their relevant contract managers to define training needs in any Orka Works’ workers new to their sites, by fulfilling training laid out in 2.3 above.

Orka Works will campaign for extensive relevant training, to be completed during a paid shift, through all clients.

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