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Variable errors in email templates
Variable errors in email templates

Mastering Email Template Validation: Eliminating Errors in Variables.

Martina Zeroska avatar
Written by Martina Zeroska
Updated over a week ago

In Outbase, variables serve as customizable components that enhance the personalization of your email outreach. They dynamically incorporate recipient names, company information, and other relevant data, resulting in more engaging and tailored communications.

Any inaccuracies in the variables used within your email template will be marked in red within the Template Preview window. You will not be able to publish the template until these highlighted variables are corrected.

As you review your template in the Template Preview window, it will identify and highlight any incorrect variables, allowing you to make necessary adjustments before publishing. The count of incorrect variables is conveniently displayed at the bottom of the email template preview.

Keep in mind that variables within Outbase are case-sensitive and should be written in uppercase letters.

  • The {{COMPANY_!CLEAN}} variable in the subject line is highlighted. The issue with this variable is the presence of an exclamation mark (!) in front of CLEAN, which needs to be removed for the correct format {{COMPANY_CLEAN}}.

  • The {{FIRST_NAME }} variable in the text editor is highlighted. The issue with this variable is a space between NAME and the brackets, which needs to be removed for the correct format {{FIRST_NAME}}.

Please be aware that {{NAMEDROP}} variables are automatically generated by our AI and function as placeholders. When our Writer creates a template that includes the NAMEDROP variable, it's essential to remove the variable from your template and insert your own static text in its place, to align with the content and your company's offering.

Eg: I'd love to share how we've helped {{NAMEDROP}} to scale their sales efforts.

I'd love to share how we've helped companies like Coca-Cola, Facebook, and Instagram to scale their sales efforts.

For additional information on integrating variables into your email templates, please refer to our dedicated resource here. You can also explore in-depth details about variables in our User Documentation.

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