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Uploading your data to Outbase: Best Practices and File Format
Uploading your data to Outbase: Best Practices and File Format

Want to use your own contacts data? Here's what you need to know.

Martina Zeroska avatar
Written by Martina Zeroska
Updated over a week ago

Prior to uploading your list, ensure that it contains all the necessary information as outlined in the provided template.

To obtain the CSV template, navigate to the "Your Lists" panel within the "Lists" section of the navigation menu. Click on the "Upload List" button, and you can download the file via the link provided in the example below:

The filled-in part in the CSV should look like this one as an example:

Please note, should you choose to upload your own data via a CSV file you will only be able to use the Variables shown on the example CSV document. Other Outbase variables can only be utilized with contacts generated through the Outbase Search feature.

For instance, the variable {{CLEAN_COMPANY_NAME}} will exclusively function when you use the Search feature to craft your list, as opposed to uploading a CSV file.

Custom Variables

Regarding Custom Variables, please note that they are applicable only when you upload your own data. You should include the custom column in your CSV file before importing your lists into the campaign.

To enable the custom variable to function, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by uploading your CSV file, ensuring it contains a column with a name that makes sense to you.

  2. During the CSV file upload in the Custom Mapping step, switch the toggle button from "Ignore" to "Import". This action allows the additional columns to be matched within Outbase.

  3. Click Import.

By importing a file that includes extra columns into Outbase, you can use the data within these custom columns as variables in your email templates.

To identify these additional columns from your CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Email Template view.

  2. Click on the { } Variables icon located on the right side of the screen.

  3. Choose the "Custom Fields" tab.

Here, you'll see the names of your extra columns listed as Custom Variables. When emails are sent to your prospects, the system will use the values found in these columns within your file.

If you have specific information about the contact or company in your dataset, you can incorporate this information into your email for a personalized touch.

Let's say you want to mention different client names for various industry sectors. To do this, you can include specific columns in your data file, such as ClientName1, ClientName2, and ClientName3, and populate them with distinct client names. Then, incorporate these custom variables into your email template so that each contact in your list receives the appropriate client name from the file.

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