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How do I interact in a scenario using a VR headset?
How do I interact in a scenario using a VR headset?
Written by Jess McGahan
Updated over 6 months ago

Log in to the OMS Hub (Web App) and launch your chosen scenario.

The scenario will begin with a short handover then the scene will fade to the patient's bedside.

At this stage, people and objects around the room will become selectable.

There will be a small white dot in the centre of your vision, that stays in the centre of your vision wherever you look. This is your cursor. As you move your head to look around the small white dot will move, too.


Use the single centre button on the remote (or the A button if you are using your Oculus Touch Controllers) to select the items that you're looking at. You can interact with anything that glows blue when you look at it.

*Note: you do not need to point the remote at anything to select it. Everything is selected by looking at it and then clicking the remote button).


Once an action is selected your hands will appear to perform it. This is modelled behaviour and is how all interactions within the scenarios work.

Interacting with your patient

By looking at your patient's head you will be able to bring up a communication menu.


Here, you can ask a variety of questions to obtain a history, as well as ask more general questions and provide reassurance.

If you look at your patient's body you'll see that you can select it to bring up a menu of examinations.


Selecting an examination will animate that examination and bring you some visual guidance and audio.


At the end of the examination, you'll get some information on what was found throughout the course of that exam.

Interacting with other people in the scenario

In addition to the patient, you may find that there are some other people in the room such as a nurse or the patient's relatives. You can interact with them by selecting them, which brings up a menu of options.

You should notice that you can communicate with the nurse as well as ask her to help you with certain tasks such as starting continuous monitoring.

Interacting with objects in the scenario

You can interact with different objects around the room by looking at the object and selecting it to bring up your menu of options.

For instance, you can provide fluids by looking at the fluid bag next to the nurse, selecting it and working through the regimen you'd like to provide.


Oxygen can be provided by looking at the oxygen masks.

There is additional equipment on the bedside investigations table. You can use the equipment to conduct tests yourself, or you can ask an assistant to help.


*Note: you can be performing different actions at the same time such as performing an ABG whilst asking the patient history questions.


Time passes in any scenario according to "simulation time".

Results therefore come back faster than in real life to facilitate learning.

For example, results from lab tests will appear on the computer and results from a blood gas will appear on the desk after about a minute.

*Note: results that would not be available in one patient visit in real life (such as blood cultures) will not be available in these scenarios.*

Using the Computer

Using the computer on your virtual desk you can order or view radiology, look at medical records if available and consult protocols and guidelines.


Using the telephone

Should you need help, you can use the phone to call your senior or any other departments in the hospital.


Administering medications

Should you want to administer any medications you can find them all in the cupboard above your computer.


Ending the scenario

When you have completed your management of the scenario, look towards the door and the scenario.


We consider this as your decision to handover the patient. You have to make that decision much like in real life.


If you don't choose to end the scenario before the clock on the wall behind the patient counts down to zero, the scenario will end for you. This is to prevent you from standing around too long going through all the possible decisions. You need to prioritise your actions.

Self Reflection

You will now be prompted to take part in self-reflection.

The self-reflection questions will appear within the VR headset.


Try to answer the questions verbally, out loud. This will help you to process the information and get you ready to review the feedback on the session.

​When you have completed the reflection you will be prompted to take off your VR headset.

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