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How to Exit a Scenario
Written by OMS Support
Updated over 8 months ago

Are you ready to move on to your next patient, or view your end of scenario feedback?

When you want to exit a scenario, you will need to turn towards the door or curtain in the patient room and confirm that you are ready to start the debriefing section.

To exit a scenario:

  1. Turn towards the door or curtain in the patient room.

  2. Hover your cursor over the door or curtain until a blue circle labeled Leave Scenario appears.

  3. Click inside the circle.

  4. A confirmation window will ask if you are sure you want to leave the scenario. Selecting Yes will lead you to the debriefing section, and selecting No will allow you to continue interacting with the patient with your remaining time.

  5. If you've selected Yes, you will receive a confirmation window taking you to a guided debrief. Click OK.

You will now be taken to a series of debriefing questions. Click Next to progress through the questions and then Exit to view your scenario feedback.

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