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Tali - Find Names

Search names in Tali

Dan Wakenshaw avatar
Written by Dan Wakenshaw
Updated over a week ago
  • Select Administration > Manage Names.

Filter the list of names

  1. Enter the Name you want to find (if you know it) in the Filter box.

  2. Use the Filter to shorten the list of names that is displayed, by entering a character or characters you think are in the Name.

Re-order the list of names

  • Re-order the list by clicking the hyperlinked column name.If you are searching for a pupil name and you know that the name you want is in a year group then order by Year, to group all names in the year together.Organisations can only be ordered by Name.

List pupil names in a class, year, registration group, or group

  • Click the hyperlinked Class, Year or Reg group.

Show out of use names

  • Click Show out of use.
    Out of use names are shown greyed out in the List of Names.

Hide out of use names

  • Click Hide out of use.
    Only in use names are shown in the List of Names.

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