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Tali - Manage Groups of Names

Groups of Names in Tali

Dan Wakenshaw avatar
Written by Dan Wakenshaw
Updated over a week ago

Groups assist you in selecting names quickly when you want to assign transactions to the names in the group, or include the names in the group in reports.

Groups are easily managed from the Group Actions section of the Manage Names screen.

Note: Names can be assigned to more than one group, so you can design the groups that will make your workday easier.

Create group

Add a new group by clicking Create Group. The Manage Groups screen appears.

  1. Enter a Name for the group.

  2. Select a Group Type from the list of available group types.

  3. Click Add Group. Once you have done this you will be able to select it from the Select Group drop-down list.

Select group

  • Select a group you have already created from the drop-down list of groups available.

Add to group

  1. Select the names in the List of Names that you want to add to a group.

  2. Select the group you want to add the names to from the Select Group drop-down list.

  3. Click Add to Group.

Remove from group

  1. Select the names in the List of Names that you want to remove from the group.

  2. Select the group from the Select Group drop-down list.

  3. Click Remove from Group.

Delete group

Note: You can only delete groups which don’t have any names assigned so you will need to remove the names from the group before you can delete the group

  1. Select the group you want to delete from the Select Group drop-down list.

  2. Click Clear Group if the group has names attached to it to clear the group of any names

  3. Click Delete Group to delete the group

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