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Tali - Generate VAT100

Generate VAT100 Report with Tali

Becky Watson avatar
Written by Becky Watson
Updated over a week ago

Use this option to generate the VAT100 report to a specific tax period end date and perform various actions against the VAT100 report.

Generate the VAT100 Report

  1. Select Bank & Cash > Generate VAT100.

  2. Select the End Date of the Tax Period you want to preview the VAT100 report for.

  3. Click Preview VAT100.

The VAT100 report is for preview purposes. Until the VAT period is closed, it may not reflect the VAT return totals.

From the preview VAT100 report, you can:

  • print VAT Return totals

  • close the current VAT period if it is still open

  • print a final VAT Return report

  • print the details of a historical VAT Return report

Warning! You can cancel and amend transactions that have not yet been included in the final VAT Return report for the period. Provided you haven’t closed the VAT period you will be able to cancel or amend the transactions. Once you have closed the VAT period, you won’t be able to do this. Once you have closed the VAT period you also won’t be able to cancel or amend the final report for the period either.

Print the VAT Return as a Preview Report

You can print a preview report for the period at any time until you close the period.

  • Click Print. A prompt tells you your report is being prepared. Once it has been prepared it is displayed as a PDF and you can then print the PDF file.

Close the VAT Period

Warning! Closing the VAT Period cannot be reversed. Only do it if you are certain that this is what you want to do.

  1. Click Close VAT Period.
    A pop-up prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to continue. This is because closing this VAT 100 form locks all transactions that occurred before the VAT100 Period Date. This action cannot be reversed. 

  2. If you are sure that you want to continue, click Close VAT100 Period.
    The VAT 100 Period is closed and you can submit your VAT 100 report to the HMRC.

Print the VAT Return as a Final Report

  1. Ensure that you close the period first by clicking Close VAT Period. See instruction above.

  2. Click Print.

Print a Historical VAT Return

  • Click Print.

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