Issue: You have name/s balances that are not correct in Tali and therefore not correct on the Till, or you want to process a refund - the only way to amend this is to make a balance adjustment.
Solution: Amend this by making a balance adjustment/s
This might be one name or a cohort of names that need their balances adjusted in Tali/Till to show the correct balance on their meals account.
Consequently, you'll need to use the Transactions>Transfer Between Names, (section 1) feature in Tali to correct this for ad-hoc names or for bulk amendments Transactions>Import Transactions in section 2 below.
Note: If you want to transfer money between Accounts, see the Article, Transfer Between Accounts.
Section 1 - Transfer money and assign a name to the transfer for an ad-hoc adjustment
From Transactions > Transfer between Names, select the user Account you want to transfer money from, typically the CORRECT account if you need to transfer funds into a pupil name balance. If you need to reduce the balance of a pupil name balance you would typically select the MEALS account, doing this action in reverse.
Select the user Name associated with the above Account you want to transfer money from.
Select the user Account you want to transfer money to, this would be the reverse of the above, ie. MEALS or CORRECT
Select the user Name associated with the Account you want to transfer money to.
Enter the Amount to transfer.
Enter or amend the Transfer Date.
Enter any Notes to help you identify the reason for the transfer.
Click Transfer.
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Section 2 - Bulk update balances using Transactions>Import Transactions
Take a look at our video guide on how to do this;
NB. Cost Centre needs to be in lower case on your import csv 'cost centre'