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How do I record the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) being taken?
How do I record the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) being taken?

Record universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) being taken

Becky Watson avatar
Written by Becky Watson
Updated over 5 years ago

From September 2014, all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state-funded schools in England became eligible for free school meals (UIFSMs).

Use this report to see the total meals taken, the total number of free meals and the total number of Universal Free School Meals. In order to see anything on this report you need to set up and record items taken in the following way.

How to set up and record universal infant free school meals

There are a number of steps to this as follows.

1. Create a UIFSM group and add eligible pupils

  1. Open Administration > Manage Names and click Create Group in the Group Actions section.

  2. Enter a name for the group e.g. UIFSM.

  3. Select User Defined as the Group Type.

  4. Click Add Group.

2. Add pupils to this group

  1. Open Administration > Manage Names and select the group you created in step 1 from the Group drop-down in the Group Actions section.

  2. Select the pupil names you want to add to the group by selecting the checkbox next to the pupil’s name.

  3. In the Group Actions section, click Add to Group.

3. Assign the UIFSM group to your Register Account

  1. Open Administration > Manage Accounts.

  2. Locate the Register Account in the list of accounts and click the Account name to open the Update Account screen.

  3. Select the UIFSM Group that you have created in step 1 from the UIFSM Group drop-down.

4. Record UIFSM taken items

  1. Open Register > Record Taken Items.

  2. Select the Account, Group, Class and Week Commencing Date that you want to record the items for and click Search.

  3. In the list of pupils that is displayed, select the checkbox next to each pupil for the days you want to record taken items for.


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