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Tali FAQ Articles
Tali FAQ Articles

Tali FAQ Articles

How do I refund ParentPay when refunds exceed online income?
How can I add interest and charges made by my bank?
How can I correct the value of a cashed cheque?
How can I see my account balances?
How can I see information from a previous closed year?
How can I see what transactions are owed at period end?
How can I see who has or hasn't paid?
How can I select a different bank account to reconcile?
How can I update staff members?
How do I cancel a paying-in slip?
How do I cancel items from a previous year?
How do I cancel transactions?
How do I change my school / academy name?
How do I change to a new bank?
How do I configure my browser?
How do I deal with a duplicated cheque or paying-in slip number?
How do I deal with unpresented cheques/direct debits/credits
How do I draw a cheque for cash?
How do I export income transactions from Tali to ParentPay automatically?
How do I handle unsettled epayments? Eg. ParentPay
How do I import Parentmail transactions?
How do I import ParentPay transactions manually?
How do I import Schoolcomms transactions?
How do I manage accounts?
How do I manage names?
How do I mark leavers as out of use?
How do I process an Oracle transaction from the City of Edinburgh so I can reconcile my bank account?
How do I reconcile all my banks for period end?
How do I record the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) being taken?
How do I record unpresented debits and credits processed in a previous version so I can reconcile my bank statement?
How do I remove duplicated transactions?
How do I reprint income or expenditure transactions?
How do I reprint paying-in slips?
How do I resolve a bounced cheque?
How do I resolve transactions not being imported?
How do I reverse uncashed cheques?
How do I see unreconciled items?
How do I set up for Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSMs)?
How do I split income and expenditure?
How do I transfer amounts?
How do I unreconcile a bank statement?
How do I update my student names?
How do I update the Register App?
How does Gift Aid work?
How to Transfer ParentPay Payments so you can Reconcile your Bank Statements
How to transfer sQuid payments so you can reconcile your bank statements
What should I do if I think that transactions are not being imported automatically?