Change Email
Click 'Change email'.
Enter the new email address you want to change it to.
Enter your current account password.
Click update email.
If Your Email Update Does Not Work
If your email update won't work, it may be because you still have money in your Pegasus account managed in the Finances tab.
This is because your earnings are managed by your account email.
Therefore, you cannot update your account email until all earnings are closed out.
Close Out Your Financial Account
Close all events so that you have no current events.
Once your events are closed, go to Finances tab in your profile settings.
Click on New Transfer.
Enter a transfer amount equal to the total earnings in your account.
Now that your events are closed and your earnings are closed out, return to the Accounts tab in your settings and repeat the Change Email process.
Change Password
Click 'Change Password'.
Enter your existing password in the Current Password box.
Enter the new password you wish to change it to, in the New Password box.
Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password box.
Click Update Password.
Add Credit Card
Click Add Card.
Enter the new card details.
Click save.