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Event Details Tab

Guide for each field in the Event Details tab

Updated over 11 months ago

Event Details Page

  • Discipline category. Next to the event name at the top of the page is the event discipline category. Click this to change the event discipline.

Event Name

  • Event name. Click to edit.

Date and Location

  • Start date. The event start date (not the registration's open date).

  • End date. The event end date.

  • Address. Enter the event address. This field uses Google Maps and will autocomplete the address for you.

  • Location notes. A GPS can struggle with rural properties. Add further directions here to help riders find your event.

Point of Contact

  • PoC ID. If you are hosting a licensed event, enter the PoC's relevant membership number in this field. Eg. Their USEF number. If not, leave it blank.

  • PoC Name. Enter the name of the main PoC for this event. It will be displayed on the event's public page for easy communication.

  • PoC Phone. Enter the phone number of the main PoC for this event. It will be displayed on the event's public page for easy communication.

  • PoC Email. Enter the email address of the main PoC for this event. It will be displayed on the event's public page for easy communication.

Note: Pegasus will automatically pull in the PoC's details from your account settings, but you can change the PoC simply by clicking on each field.

Registration Limits, Dates, and Times

  • Registration spots available. Enter the number of people that are allowed to register for this event.

    • Note: If 5 people register 10 horses, with 2 rides per person, that will account for 20 registration spots.

  • Registrations open. Select the date you want the platform to start accepting registrations.

  • Time. Select the time of day you want the platform to start accepting registrations.

  • Registrations close. Select the date you want the platform to stop accepting registrations.

  • Time. Select the time of day you want the platform to stop accepting registrations.

  • Waitlist. Toggle 'On' to offer a waitlist for your event. The waitlist is a first come, first served tool. The first on the waitlist will replace anyone who scratches from an event.


  • Banner. The image that displays at the top of the single event page. For best results, add a high-width, low-height image.

  • Event images. Add images of the event. These images will display on a carousel on the search page, as well as on the public event page when you click 'Images'.

  • Event video. Add a video of the event or facility. This video will display on the public event page when you click 'Video'.

  • Site map. Add a map of the grounds to help attendees navigate the event. We suggest a screenshot from Google Maps if you do not have a professional site map for your facility.

  • Site map status. Toggle whether the site map is finalized or still being drafted. The public will be able to see this status next to the 'Site Map' button on the public event page.

    • Note: This is a valuable feature if you are using the site map to show an event course that is still being finalized.


  • Event summary. Write a detailed description of the event to encourage people to register. This will be visible on the public event page.

  • Event bi-line. This will be displayed at the very top of your events page. Write a very short summary of the event that entices people to review the rest of the page.

Save Settings

  • Save settings. Click 'Next' in the top right-hand corner to save your settings and move to the next step in the create event process.


Why is it taking so long for anything to upload in the app?

Upload speeds are affected by your internet speed.

To test your internet upload speed, open Google in a separate tab and type ‘Speed Test’ into the search bar.

This will display a box with a blue button that says ‘Run Speed Test’.

Click that button.

This will test your internet connection upload speed and download speed.

If your upload speed is slower than 20 Mbps, you may experience a slow upload of files to the Pegasus platform.

If it is over 20 Mbps, and you are still experiencing file upload issues, refresh the browser window and try uploading the file again.

If this does not work, message the Pegasus team in the chatbot and we will take a look for you.

How can I add the address of my event?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the ‘Address’ field.

6. Make your desired changes and click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

How can I add directions to my event?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the ‘Directions’ field.

6. Make your desired changes and click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

How can I set or edit the dates of my event?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the ‘Event Dates’ field.

6. Make your desired changes and click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

How can I set or edit the dates of registration?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the ‘Registrations Open and Registrations Close’ fields.

6. Make your desired changes and click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

What does the waitlist feature do?

The waitlist feature allows you to accept excess registrations in case people scratch from the event. The waitlist is a first come first served feature.

Once an event is full, the next person to try and register will be added to the waitlist.

When someone scratches from the event, the first person on the waitlist will be sent an email providing them with the opportunity to register.

At the moment, there is no capability to reorder the waitlist. We will add this feature soon.

How can I add a waitlist for my event?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the ‘Waitlist’ toggle. Turn it on.

6. Click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

How can I decorate my event page?

1. Click on the event, this will take you to the Manage Event dashboard.

2. Click on the pink ‘Manage’ button in the top right corner.

3. In the modal that appears, click the ‘Edit Event’ button.

4. This will take you to the edit event form.

5. Click on the first tab that says ‘Event Details’ and find the media upload fields. Upload your desired images and video.

6. Click the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner.

7. Once happy with your changes, click the back button to exit and return to your Manage Event dashboard.

What’s the Point of Contact?

The Point of Contact is the main person you want attendees to call if needed for your event. Their name and contact number will be displayed on the single event page.

What’s the difference between the event summary and the event bi-line?

The event summary is a long write-up explaining the event. It will be visible on the public event page.

The event bi-line is a summary that will be displayed at the top of the public event page. The bi-line should succinctly explain what the event is, and excite the viewer to want to review the rest of the public event page.

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