Below is a quick guide on the process for creating events.
Read the following for more detailed instructions.
Connect your bank account. You cannot create an event until you connect your bank account. Connect your bank account in the profile settings.
Click new event. On your home screen, click the 'New Event' button.
Select the event type. Select whether your event is a licensed competition, unlicensed competition, clinic, or 'other event'. 'Other' is any equestrian event that isn't a competition or clinic.
Name the event. Give your event a name.
Select event discipline(s). Select the event discipline. You can select more than one.
Enter event details. Add your event details, including locations, dates, photos, videos, etc.
Select staff. Add staff members to the event by their role.
Build an event schedule. Add facilities that will be used during the event, and then use them to build an event schedule.
Add fees. Add your registration items as well as other fees and refund policies.
Choose payment terms. Select how you wish to manage Pegasus's fee.
Add policies. Add event policies such as parking and attire.
Add paperwork. Select the legal documents you wish to include during registration.
Add tickets. Add tickets you wish to sell to your event.
Review and Publish. Review event details and when satisfied, publish the event for the public to view.
Why do I need to use Stripe to start creating events?
When you host an event you will start accepting payments.
In order for Pegasus to track which payments are destined for your bank account, we need your bank information to assign those funds to you.
If you host an event before connecting your bank account and start accepting payments, some of those payments may be misallocated by our system.