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How does Penji use stock photography?
How does Penji use stock photography?

Stock photography

Mareth Chavez avatar
Written by Mareth Chavez
Updated over 6 months ago

At Penji, we have access to a wide range of high-quality stock images through Adobe Stock, Freepik, and Envato Elements. Our designers incorporate these resources to elevate your projects and bring your vision to life. Whether you're looking for background images, product shots, or creative visuals, we can provide you with the right images to match your design needs.

While we don't share individual designer portfolios due to client confidentiality, you can view samples of our work on the Our Work page. This will give you a great sense of our team's style and expertise.

When submitting a project, we encourage you to include any specific examples or references that reflect the style you're aiming for. This helps our designers better understand your preferences and create something tailored to your vision.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our Support team at or connect with us via live chat.

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