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Gift Cards
How to import Gift Card Numbers
How to import Gift Card Numbers
Updated over a week ago

To import gift cards numbers, make sure the list is in a .CSV file form.

Navigate to the top right corner of your dashboard and click on the 9 dots, then go down and press ‘imports’.

Select ‘new import’ in the top right corner, and under ‘choose import type’, select gift cards.

Under ‘file upload’ find the ‘upload’ button on the right and choose the file containing your list of gift card numbers. After selecting the appropriate file choose ‘submit’.

In the ‘data mapping’ step, you need to align the various columns in your table with the correct data type in the Piggy system.

The column containing your gift card numbers should be mapped with the ‘hash’ value in Piggy. The column containing the balances (can be zero) of the various cards should be mapped with the ‘amount (in cents)’ value in Piggy.

Choose the appropriate ‘giftcard program’ and ‘shop’ they should be linked to and press ‘start’.

If there are no errors present, after a brief period your import will be ‘ready’. Then, select ‘start import’ to begin.

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