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Gift Cards
How to import gift cards with balances
How to import gift cards with balances
Updated over a week ago

To import gift cards, navigate to the 9 dots and select ‘Imports’.

Select ‘New import’ and choose the import type ‘Gift Cards’.

Click ‘Submit’ and ‘Upload’.

Now select your gift card file, ensuring that it is in CSV format. Click ‘Submit’ to proceed.

Under ‘Mapping’ you can select which columns in your file correspond to attributes, such as ‘Number’ and ‘Amount in cents’.

Click ‘Submit’ to proceed.

Under the ‘Information’ tab you can select whether or not the gift cards are upgradable, as well as assigning them to a gift card program and a shop.

Click on ‘Start’ and you will see the import being prepared.

Click on ’Import’ to navigate to the overview page and select the gift card import you’ve just completed. This will have a ‘Ready’ label.

Finally, click on ‘Start import’ to complete the process.

The gift cards have now been imported and are visible under ‘Gift Cards’.

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