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Updating the web and mobile apps
Updating the web and mobile apps

Updates are regularly made to our web app (browser version) and native mobile apps (iOS and Android). Here's how to updated your apps.

Leslie | Pinpoint Works avatar
Written by Leslie | Pinpoint Works
Updated yesterday

Pinpoint Works is always a work in progress. We're constantly taking our client's feedback to make new features and improvements, as well as releasing bug fixes and security improvements.

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Web App

The web app ( can be accessed from any modern browser - on a desktop or mobile device. We recommend using Google Chrome. Internet Explorer is not supported.

When a new update is ready, a blue update bar will appear at the top of the browser screen automatically. Click 'here' and the app will update itself.

Web app update bar

The same blue update bar will appear in the browser on your mobile device's browser:

To find out which version of the web app you currently have, click the Profile Settings icon:

Native Mobile Apps

The native mobile apps can be downloaded for iOS and Android for phones and tablets:

Depending on your device’s settings, updates to the native apps may be done automatically or manually. To check if you have the latest version of the mobile app, head to the App Store or Play Store and search for Pinpoint Works. If there is an update available, there will be an option available to update. Otherwise, the option to 'Open' will appear.

You can find the version of the Pinpoint Works native apps you're using by opening the menu icon (3 horizontal lines) in the top left corner of the app. You can scroll down to the bottom of this menu and the version number will be displayed.

If you're having trouble with the mobile apps, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the app over good internet. For more information, please refer to our full mobile app guide.

Still have questions?

Send us a message through the chat icon in the web app, email us or keep looking through our Help Centre for more information.

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