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Recording Outcomes

How to create and record specific outcomes for your projects

Will Thompson avatar
Written by Will Thompson
Updated over a year ago

As an organisation it may be important for you to record particular outcomes of your work. Some common examples of outcomes charities record in plinth are often things like: Referrals made, Recording steps in to employment, Training or Courses completed, or Improvements to wellbeing.

If you would like to set up outcomes, then first go to the 'Surveys/Outcomes' Tab on the lefthand side of the screen.

From here, you will need to click on the 'Outcomes' tab on the top of the page, and you will find the page to manage your outcomes.

Adding a new Outcome

If you would like to set up a new outcome, then you will need to fill in the options on the right-hand side of the screen.

First you will need to decide on the name of the outcome, this should be a clear and easy way to reference the particular outcome you wish to start recording

Outcome Types

There are 3 difference options ways to record an outcome, depending on what exactly you would like to record. These 3 types are:


This outcome is to record an outcome that has no variation and is either true or false. There cannot be any variation or multiple choice associated with True/False.

For example, this would be an outcome someone either has or, has not achieved.

Some examples of things you might record with a True/False Outcome would be:

  • Passing a course

  • Completing training

  • Received a donation


This type of outcome allows you to record a number associated with an outcome. This might be to record You are able to set minimum and maximum so you can define what number scale you would like to use. This type of outcome is useful, for example if you need to record degrees of change, or you record outcomes on a scale. Some examples of number outcomes might be:

  • Confidence of someone from 1-10

  • Frequency of actions, e.g number of times someone cooks for themselves per week

  • Amount money saved/or Earned

  • Scores e.g a clients score on the mental wellbeing scale

Multiple Choice

The multiple choice outcome allows you to define a range of different choices associated with a particular outcome. This gives you the ability to record a few different things broken down within one outcome. To add extra choices, all you need to do is click the button that says 'Add Option'.

Some examples of how you might record outcomes with multiple choices:

  • Referral Made

    • Food

    • Advice

    • Legal Help

  • Lend Device

    • Phone

    • Laptop

    • Tablet

Pick a colour

The next step just allows you to pick a colour for the outcome, this just means that within the system, the outcome will be associated with that colour to make it easier to organise. It may be that you wish to associate a particular colour with a particular project, funder or admin. It's completely up to you and has no impact on the outcome itself.

What tags do you need to use this outcome for?

This is where you choose which tags you wish to apply the outcome to. It is likely you are recording outcomes for specific projects, activities or funders, by associating the outcome with the tag, it allows you to connect the two. As with anything in plinth, you can associate it with multiple tags, if you use the same outcome across multiple projects.

Finally, make sure to click Save and you've created the outcome!

Assigning an Outcome

To assign an outcome to a client/member, you will first need to go to that clients profile, so just search for them via the search function in the top righthand side corner.

Once you're on the profile of someone you wish to assign an outcome to, you can add an Outcome via the Notes function on their profile. This is how to do that;

  • Add some text to the note box, describing the context of the outcome you are leaving

  • Make sure the note is tagged with the tag the outcome is linked to

  • Click the 'Outcomes' button underneath the text box

  • When you click this button it will bring up the options for outcomes

  • Click on the type of outcome you wish to assign

  • Then choose the value of that specific outcome, eg. if it's true or false, the specific number or which of the multiple choices apply

  • Make sure to click the blue add button

  • Finally, click to Save the note

That's it! Once you click save you have recorded that outcome to the note.

Viewing Outcomes

If you wish to view a specific outcome for a client or member, you will need to go in to their page, and find the note which corresponds to the outcome. If you click on the note, it will open up and show any outcomes linked to the note:

Total Outcome results

To see the breakdown of the totals for any outcome, you are able to do that via Tags.

First, you will want to go to the Tags page, and then select the tag the outcome is associated with.

  • From the the tag page, you will need to click on the Outcomes tab at the top

  • Then you will see an option to choose view the breakdown of a specific Outcome, all you need to do here, is select from the dropdown, the Outcome you wish to view:

Once you have chosen the outcome you wish to view, it will show you the results for total outcomes across all clients/members plotted on a graph

On the right hand side of the screen, you will see all the notes associated with all outcomes so you can view each in detail.

And that's it! Everything you need to know about recording outcomes in plinth. If you would like more help or have any questions, you can always book a call with the plinth team.

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