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Public Events

How to create, edit and view bookings for a public event.

Tom Neill avatar
Written by Tom Neill
Updated over a week ago

First, you'll want to go to your Calendar Page. That will give you a list of the events you're already running, and the ability to create a new event.

If you click on "Booking Settings", you will be taken through the steps to create a public booking page.

There are 6 steps to creating a public event:

  1. Adding a description

  2. Adding pictures

  3. Choosing who, and how many people can book

  4. Help prospective attendees understand what support you provide for your event

  5. Setting your organisation details

  6. Publishing the event

You can fill out each of these steps in order, or you can jump straight to the section you want to edit by using the sidebar on the left.

Once you've created an event, you'll be able to view it on plinth's booking platform.

Adding a description

The description is where you can add all the details people will need to know about the event. You can put anything you like in here and you can add formatting so it's easier to read:

When you're done, click "save and next". You can always come back and edit later.

Adding pictures

The layout of the pictures on this section is the same as the layout on the desktop version of the booking platform. The first picture on the left is the most important - this is the image that shows up on a phone and when you share the link to Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.

On the image upload, you have the option to choose a "Link", "Search (Unsplash)" or "Upload".

  • For a link, you can copy and paste a link to any image on the internet. Make sure it is from an "https" domain and that you have permission to use this image (e.g. if it is from your own website).

  • Unsplash lets you search a gallery of stock images. These usually look very nice but may not always be relevant to your project.

  • Upload lets you upload your own image from your computer.

Note, these must be JPG/JPEG or PNG files. It does not accept photos straight from an iPhone (because they use strange formats) and it does not accept PDFs. If you have a document with more details about the event, you can link to that in the description.

Booking Settings

This section lets you determine how people can book:

You can choose whether to charge people for the event. If you do, you'll need to Connect to Stripe. You'll also need to set a price you want to charge per person.*

*Please note: plinth will take a 10p booking fee for any paid bookings taken online and 1.5% of the total booking fee. (E.g on a £5 booking, 17p will go to plinth)

You can also select the maximum number of people who can attend.

You can choose a registration form that you would like people to fill out before they can attend an event. This option will give you a drop-down of all your existing registration forms, but you can also create a new one. When somebody books, they will then be prompted to fill out all the details on that form. The system will save that person's details and the next time they book, it will remember what they entered, so they will not have to fill out the whole form if they attend multiple times (e.g. for a weekly event).

You can also decide how many weeks in advance people can book, along with length of notice for bookings. That will determine how many dates show up on the public booking site.

If this is an event that happens across multiple time slots, e.g. booking a 30 minute appointment at an advice drop-in, you can set up these different time slots:

Finally, for each slot, you'll need to set a start time, and an end time. You can add as many slots as you like. On the booking page it will show up like this:


There are three subheadings for this section, in which you can select as many tags that apply. This provides prospective attendees with an understanding of what SEND, accessibility or old age support is provided at your event, for example.

Organisation Settings

You only need to do this section once for all your events. This section lets you input general information about your organisation that is useful for members of the public to know about. For example, your contact details, your logo and a short description of what you do.

When you first arrive on the page, you might notice that some of the options already have values that you didn't put in. If you are a registered charity, we use the data you submit to the charity commission to pre-fill some of the options. You can of course make any changes to these values (we know it may well not be up to date!).

These details will appear on your organisation's page on plinth's booking platform:


If you've done these steps already, you'll be able to publish your event. This will let people start booking, and the event will show up on your organisation's public calendar:

*Please note: plinth will take a 10p booking fee for any paid bookings taken online and a 1.5% of the total booking fee. (E.g on a £5 booking, 17p will go to plinth) If you would like to know why there is a cost to paid bookings, please don't hesitate to drop us a message for more info.

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