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How to register your activities for HAF providers
How to register your activities for HAF providers

A step by step guide to registering your activities through the Central booking platform on Time to Spare

Will Thompson avatar
Written by Will Thompson
Updated over a week ago

Part 1 - Signing up

You should receive an email that will contain an invite link to join the programme. If you can't find the email, please check your junk mail. If you click on the link, you will be invited to connect up with Islington's HAF programme.

Once you click accept, you will be invited to create an account. Please use the same email address as the invite came to, otherwise, it won't work. This is the account you will use in the future to check and manage your bookings, as well as take registers.

Once you have created an account for yourself, you can start to add details about your organisation. If you are a registered charity, some of these details can be auto-filled from the charity commission.

If you add your website we can auto populate a lot of the information:

You will then be asked to confirm that you would like to connect your account up with the Islington HAF programme.

Once you have done that, your account is set up and connected.

Part 2 - Adding details about your activity

At this point, you will automatically be asked to add details about the activities that you will be running as part of the programme. The first part of this is a 7-step process.

Step 1 - What is the name of the event/activity?

This is what you call the event/session/activity. It can be whatever you want to call it, as long as it makes sense to you and your team!

Step 2 - Do you want to take bookings for this through Time to Spare?

Tick yes to this, as this is how you will be listing your activity on the central booking page.

Step 3 - What day does it start?

If it is a one-off, this is the day the event/session/activity happens. If it is a series of events/sessions/activities, then this will be the day of the first event/session/activity that you want to record on Time to Spare.

Step 4 - How often does this event/activity happen?

Is your event/session/activity part of a series? If yes, Time to Spare will automatically populate the calendar with all of the dates in the future it happens. If it is a one-off, select that box. Specific dates is usually the best option to choose here.

Step 5 - What time is it happening?

This is the time the event/session/activity happened.

Step 6 - Where is this hosted?

This is the venue the event/session/activity happened in.

Step 7 - What tags should this event have?

This is what tags you would like to give the event/session/activity. In order to connect this to the central booking page, you will need to make sure that Islington Council - HAF Programme is selected. You can add other tags at a later date.

Once you have gone through all of the steps - your session should be set up. All the details should be on the top row and look like this:

You can edit any of those details using the "Edit" button in the top right corner.

Part 3 - Creating your public page

Great the basics are all setup, now we can add all of the details to entice members of the public to choose your sessions!

This is a shorter 5-step process.

Step 1: Adding a description

This is where you add all of the narrative about your session, describing what it is and anything people would need to know before booking. In the "Add to a Programme", make sure that your HAF programme is selected. If it isn't showing up, just ask us in the chat.

Step 2: add some pictures

You can either upload pictures or search the library of pictures from Unsplash to choose an appropriate picture to show off your session.

Step 3: Booking Settings

This is where you control who can book and what information you will want to collect from them. As this session is part of the Islington HAF programme, by default the central form will be chosen for you. You can edit this form to add questions, but you can't remove any questions. You can see a deep dive on booking settings here

It is important to note here, that eligibility for the programme is set at the programme level. You only need to add extra eligibility requirements, such as Age limits.

Step 4: Organisation Details

If you are a registered charity, some of these questions will be auto-filled for you, however, if not, you can populate them. You will only need to fill this out once for your organisation as it will then copy across to the rest of your events.

Step 5: Publish

Once published, it will be visible on your booking page. It won't be visible on the central Islington page until the team at the council has reviewed it. If it is missing any information you will be asked to change it by the team at the council.

Finally, you will need to press "Save" in the top right-hand corner and your session will be live!

Each step will contribute to a page that looks a bit like this:

Part 4 - Viewing your bookings and making updates

You can edit your session, add any new activities and view your bookings at any time by logging back into Plinth. You can do that by going to and clicking "login" in the top right-hand corner.

Once you have logged in, if you select the calendar on the left hand side, you will see all of your sessions. If you click on one of them, you can see who has booked and also edit all of your public details in the "Extra Settings" tab.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at or by using the chat in the bottom right-hand corner.

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