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Recording attendances on plinth

Step by step guide to using the calendar to recorder registers at sessions/events/activities.

Will Thompson avatar
Written by Will Thompson
Updated over 6 months ago

Step 1 - Go to the calendar

Do this by clicking on the calendar on the left hand side:

Step 2 - Go into the session that you want to record attendances for

You can do that either by double clicking on the session, or by clicking once and then on the little edit pen.

Step 3 - tick off who turned up

Make sure that the register tab is selected, and then you can tick off who turned up from the list of your people there.

If you can't find someone's details, or they haven't been added to the system already, you can "search for a person by name" in the box below and either their name will appear, or you can add a new person.

Step 4 - save the session

Once you have ticked off everyone that has turned up, make sure you press "Save" in the top right corner. This is what transfers the information to your HAF Coordinator

If you have done it correctly, you should see the session you have completed go grey on the calendar. You'll need to do this for each activity

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